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The current perspective


Well-Known Member
First off let me just say that I respect the arguments and concerns of the others on this issue, and am happy to be accepting of them. This issue would be ranks in classic, but not just any rank. Builder rank. Being a builder myself I thought it was high time that one of us gave the majority's perspective on the matter.

I do believe that it is pretty easy to obtain this rank, as others have stated. But, I also think that it is a very difficult rank to maintain. It is very easy for a builder to get the idea that a coloration change on their name is gonna make a difference in how much they are disciplined. Well it doesn't. Trust can be lost from anyone no matter what their color is. Its a color...get over yourself.

Now, on to the matter of ranking to engi and so on and so forth. Many other threads I've seen have centered on the fact all builders want this promotion so they can get the crown, save the town and Mr. Kraaaaabs! (Dafuq?) Anyway for the most part it seems (well, I guess it's obvious) that everyone wants this rank for their own personal gain. While there is truth to this, that we all want a darker shade of blue, the trouble I'm having is that you think we help others for this purpose and this purpose alone.

For the most part, we just like to help. We'd all hate to see a great person visit the server and see him rage quit cause he ain't gettn' no help. You never know with guests. They may seem out of the group and surly at first, but when the see a colorful nameplate hovering over one who is there to help, they may come around. All I'm saying is that we help because we can, and only in the back of our minds is the thought of helping a little more.

On the note that a lot of builders don't really build all that much. As my personal excuse: I suck at it. Some people, like me, have thrown in the towel. I do occasionally build a little...thing by some description, but I'm not spending my life building a cathedral. And honestly I should'nt be. For me, as a builder, there is a time to build and a time to help, and the time to help is just a bit longer.

Thank you for your time
First off let me just say that I respect the arguments and concerns of the others on this issue, and am happy to be accepting of them. This issue would be ranks in classic, but not just any rank. Builder rank. Being a builder myself I thought it was high time that one of us gave the majority's perspective on the matter.

I do believe that it is pretty easy to obtain this rank, as others have stated. But, I also think that it is a very difficult rank to maintain. It is very easy for a builder to get the idea that a coloration change on their name is gonna make a difference in how much they are disciplined. Well it doesn't. Trust can be lost from anyone no matter what their color is. Its a color...get over yourself.

Now, on to the matter of ranking to engi and so on and so forth. Many other threads I've seen have centered on the fact all builders want this promotion so they can get the crown, save the town and Mr. Kraaaaabs! (Dafuq?) Anyway for the most part it seems (well, I guess it's obvious) that everyone wants this rank for their own personal gain. While there is truth to this, that we all want a darker shade of blue, the trouble I'm having is that you think we help others for this purpose and this purpose alone.

For the most part, we just like to help. We'd all hate to see a great person visit the server and see him rage quit cause he ain't gettn' no help. You never know with guests. They may seem out of the group and surly at first, but when the see a colorful nameplate hovering over one who is there to help, they may come around. All I'm saying is that we help because we can, and only in the back of our minds is the thought of helping a little more.

On the note that a lot of builders don't really build all that much. As my personal excuse: I suck at it. Some people, like me, have thrown in the towel. I do occasionally build a little...thing by some description, but I'm not spending my life building a cathedral. And honestly I should'nt be. For me, as a builder, there is a time to build and a time to help, and the time to help is just a bit longer.

Thank you for your time
You're misunderstanding what we me. There's a difference between helping, and making it very clear to anyone and everyone that you're helping.

If you're helpful and we see that, that's good. If you're helpful and shoving it in our faces, you can be sure we're not going to like that.

There have been builders in the past that simply sit there shouting about what they're doing, stating on mumble about how much they LOVE to patrol, while then later stating how badly they want to get to Engineer. Honestly, I was like that for a bit (referring to wanting Engineer), but only because every friend I had was getting promoted. I honestly didn't care much for the rank itself, so much as it just felt like I was being left behind.

I wanted to be an Engineer simply to help, when I say we don't like you -trying- to help, I don't mean actually helping. Answering the call of the guests is something we like to see. We just don't like it when you try too hard.

I don't know how much sense I'm making now, so I'll just leave it at that. I'm really tired and should have been asleep hours ago, so I'll let you see how much you get out of that and try to clarify myself later.
You're misunderstanding what we me. There's a difference between helping, and making it very clear to anyone and everyone that you're helping.

If you're helpful and we see that, that's good. If you're helpful and shoving it in our faces, you can be sure we're not going to like that.

There have been builders in the past that simply sit there shouting about what they're doing, stating on mumble about how much they LOVE to patrol, while then later stating how badly they want to get to Engineer. Honestly, I was like that for a bit (referring to wanting Engineer), but only because every friend I had was getting promoted. I honestly didn't care much for the rank itself, so much as it just felt like I was being left behind.

I wanted to be an Engineer simply to help, when I say we don't like you -trying- to help, I don't mean actually helping. Answering the call of the guests is something we like to see. We just don't like it when you try too hard.

I don't know how much sense I'm making now, so I'll just leave it at that. I'm really tired and should have been asleep hours ago, so I'll let you see how much you get out of that and try to clarify myself later.
So, to paraphrase:
Don't work too hard and be modest. Take it easy.
What's so had about trying hard? The way to get to engi these days is to not try, and the ones helping a lot are being left in the dust. I'm seeing this happen to many builders, and it's stupid. It's the exact opposite of what some of these guys and gals expect the process to be like.
There's a difference between trying to help and trying to get Engineer.

Question, is the current admining team good in your opinion?
Yes, they do their job and the do it well.
Then the admining process is doing very well and thus, nothing needs to be changed.

Don't be pretentious when your helping, just help. But you making this thread is considered "Trying to hard"

Just play, have fun, and it'll come in time.
The admins are always looking at what Builders, Engi's, et. al. are doing and how they handle themselves and treating other players and assisting Guests with questions or water/lava and other things. If you're doing your part, and you're doing it well and are respected amongst your peers, we see that, and we'll keep you in mind. We promote up to Engi+ on a as-needed basis, which can sometimes lead to a lengthy period of time before you can make it to that rank (assuming you deserve it). Patience is a virtue, and is needed if you want to move up. With all of that being said, if you're asking to be promoted to engi+, we usually won't promote you. It is a ranked that is earned, not given.
I have a feeling that a lot of this is to do with the fact that there has been a lack of moderation lately and this is something that happens occasionally. All you have to do is ask one of the Engi+ ranks to get on, that in my mind constitutes helping as you are alerting us to the issues. Remember, that we are a gaming community and moderating classic is just one aspect of it for most of us. It is impossible for there to always be a moderator online and the moderation team can only be so large and there is no shame in being a builder.
Look, this thread wasn't supposed to be about the lack of moderation or being promoted. I'm just trying to make the point that helping to the point of "try hard" is not a bad thing.
Im a builder. Yes engi would be nice, but i dont care. I cant build worth crap, so when i get on i go and examine for grief. Thats it. Its something i enjoy cause i can see some of the amazing talent we have here on t9k. I've been builder for a year next month. I'll stay it for another year. I want to truly have earned the respect and the right of the engi rank