The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

see now i think your term "properly" is completely flawed. Playing the game with added content is intended and is why the game will never be muti-player. Your supposed to change the game and make it fun for you and not just be a game that has to appeal to the masses.

This is why I included the part about the realistic combat mods that i use. To me whacking some guy with my sword 40 + times before he dies is boring completely unrealistic and just plain dumb. The game is actually boring for me in its VANILLA (the term I prefer) form. Its much more fast paced and entertaining with fast decisive combat where you can be killed just as fast as you kill them. This is the way the game is meant to be played (not the fast combat but rather the part about being customized to a game that is fun for you).
see now i think your term "properly" is completely flawed. Playing the game with added content is intended and is why the game will never be muti-player. Your supposed to change the game and make it fun for you and not just be a game that has to appeal to the masses.

This is why I included the part about the realistic combat mods that i use. To me whacking some guy with my sword 40 + times before he dies is boring completely unrealistic and just plain dumb. The game is actually boring for me in its VANILLA (the term I prefer) form. Its much more fast paced and entertaining with fast decisive combat where you can be killed just as fast as you kill them. This is the way the game is meant to be played (not the fast combat but customized to a game that is fun for you).

I think it is a matter of personal choice
see now magic buys it for the nudi mods, certainly cant get those on a console version :)

Well, all first person games by right should be played via keyboard on mouse in the comfort of your bedroom... And yes, console versions can never be modded for some reason.

And negative zero should NOT assume that Magic would ever download an obscene mod to make the game more fun. (Unless of course those Mods are done well by professionals... then it would be a fair assumption)
OMG cannot wait till this comes out. as soon as i heard about i pre-ordered it :D gonna be so epic!!!! I hope to see a dragon fly along and pick up a troll in its claws and chuck it. :D