The Hobbit


Active Member
next month the hobbit comes out, i have been awaiting this for about a year now and i am super excited, lord of the rings were my favorite books and movies, but the hobbit was the best book ive ever read and im really looking forward to the movie.
so i just wanted to know are any of you looking forward to it? and are any of you going to the midnight showing? i am :thumbsup:
I'll go when the line-ups aren't as long as they will be during opening weekend. But I am looking forward to it.
I'm interested in the movie and I'll most probably see it in theaters. I read The Hobbit quite a while ago but it's still very memorable. I really enjoyed the book and the Lord of the Rings movies haven't disappointed me so far.
I've been waiting for the Hobbit since i walked out of theater after the End of The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 9 years ago. I've been waiting 9 YEARS. 9 LONG FUCKING YEARS. I may be a Pegasister, I may be a member of the Repo! Army, I may even be a Little Monster, but I was a Ringer first.