The internet has been breached. It's all over.

You my school, everyone above the age of 8 is an internet troll. Just saying.
(It's compulsory to have a laptop above the age of 8 starting this year!)
*EDIT* NOT THE LAPTOP being older than 8.
You my school, everyone above the age of 8 is an internet troll. Just saying.
(It's compulsory to have a laptop above the age of 8 starting this year!)
*EDIT* NOT THE LAPTOP being older than 8.
Laptops over the age of 8, I have one, it sucks. Good thing I don't need to use it.
Instead of teaching kids to troll on the Internet, I teach them how to troll in real life, so I lol while I watch them get in trouble. No, I'm not that crazy kid who's always up to some crazy antic, that's some other kid, you can tell he is a troll from looking at his face haha
They are engineering a new breed of troll, 20% more effective and doesn't require healthy sustenance to live, thrive or even Mate!

My God We must contact the authorities.
This is not good. Teh internets is only for teh internets. NOT teh tvs (ecxept for :csiyeah: )