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The life of Camevil + 2 Year Anniversary


Well-Known Member
Life. It's a bitch. It has it's ups and downs but it always pulls through in the end.

Let's start off from with my early years. My early childhood seemed fine to me. I had parents who loved me and a great family. But I was too little to understand what was going on. My dad was an alcoholic. Sure, you may think, "Oh my dad is an alcoholic and everything is fine." but in my case, it wasn't. The first couple years of my life, he was fine. He drinked, yes, but he tried to help my mum out as much as he could.

When I was 3, we moved town. My father started drinking a lot more heavily once we moved and he became more abusive. He would chase my mum around the house, swear, do all sorts of things. At one point, he threatened to kill my mother. Me, being very young, didn't know what was going on. My dad also suffered from having strokes. So on occasion, he would have one and then he would goto hospital. At one point, he actually walked out of the hospital, whilst on medication, and went to the pub and had a few drinks there. I find it disgraceful that the bartender still served him even though he was in hospital clothing.

When I was 5, my mum had enough of everything. She kicked my dad out to protect me. He would still come back though and it got to the point where she had to call the police. She had a restraining order put on him but, he would still come back to the house. One day, after mum had picked me up from school, we went back to the house and he was there. Mum called the police but they said that since mum approached him, they couldn't do anything. So we went to the town caravan park and stayed there for a week.

My dad went to rehab for a year, and we moved back to my hometown. When that year was over, my dad moved to another part of our state, and he seemed a lot better. He made friends, didn't drink as much, and things were going great for him. He had a job in the cleaning business and he could support himself. We would talk on the phone and we would go and visit him every couple of months because he had gotten better. Things started to look good.

When I was 9, my father broke his leg up where he was staying, and since his parents lived in the same town as me, he came down and stayed with them. Since he had improved, he decided to move back to our town. Everything was fine. He was in walking distance of our house and would come visit a lot which annoyed us at times. We then moved to another part of town a year later because we were only renting our house, and the owner of it wanted to live in it. Where we moved to (where I am now) is a bit out of town and to far to walk to from town.

School was going great for me. I had great friends, and was in the top class for our year. Suddenly, my father lost his job that he had and he started drinking again. We would visit him on weekends and he was there drunk. How could he do this after all he had been through to make himself better?

Years went by with him getting drunk on and off and disappointing us yet again. Year 7 came around and I was finally in high school (in Australia there is primary school [ kindergarten-yr6 ] and high school [yr7-yr12] ). I was in the top class for my year yet again, and things were starting to get better. My father still got drunk occasionally and it got to the point where he admitted himself into a mental problem place for a week. This rarely happened, only when things go bad.

Now we come to 2011. This year was full of craziness. I was being bullied at school, dealing with my dad getting drunk on occasion and everything like that. He used to promise me that he wouldn't do it again but that was a promise I knew he couldn't keep. I forget to mention all the good times I had with my dad. When he wasn't drunk, he was great to be around. Friendly, kind, funny and wouldn't hurt anyone. Sure, he didn't have much money but he did whatever he could too make me happy.

Last year was the hardest year of my life. I was still being bullied at school and early in the year February, my dad snapped a bone in his leg right in half. He was in hospital for about 2 months. When he got out, he couldn't walk and me and my mum would have to goto his house and pretty much help him do everything. Make him dinner, do his shopping, etc... He kept a positive attitude through this and he started getting a bit more confident and did some more stuff around the house. He eventually got a boot, and started to walk again. He would walk around and we would go downtown with him and do his shopping with him. Early July, he was told he wouldn't be able to work for a long time so he decided to try and get on a pension.

Late July, everything went downhill. He was denied access to the pension, so he would have very little money. This set him off. He was doing so well and he hadn't had a drink in 6 months, which was a record for him. He got his boot of late July as well and a friend of him gave him some money to help him. But, he suffered a withdrawal and went and bought as much alcohol as he possibly could. We went to his house, one day and he was really drunk. He didn't know right from left. There were beer cans everywhere. I went inside, said hi. He couldn't speak properly so I walked out and go in the car and my mum went in and yelled at him. As mum and I drove away, he walked outside and he had a very sad expression on his face. This was the last time I ever saw my father. He passed away two days later. I was taken out of school for a week. I couldn't think straight for a month, and was constantly upset. "I didn't get to say I love you," and "It's my fault because I didn't do anything" kept going around in my head for months onwards. Not a day goes on without me thinking about him. The school principal told my class at school, and noone else and they were very supportive and helpful. Noone else knew. So of course, the bullying was still going on, and it still does today. Whether that changes this year or not will be a different story.

I have been really depressed lately but I haven't told anyone but the last couple of months make me think that life is getting better. I now have a girlfriend and I am thinking a lot more positively.

This brings me to you guys. My 2 year anniversary for team9000 is coming up. The past two years with you guys have been amazing. This community has distracted me from everything going on in my life and helped me be more happy. Without t9k, I would be more depressed than I am now. I consider you guys like a family to me. A lot of you have helped me in so many ways and I have made great friends. I love each and every one of you guys.

Yes, life is hard. Things happen that are unexpected and terrible. I have my problems yes, but I focus on all the good things in life and try to not think about the bad things. I may not be great or feel 100% ever again, but as long as I focus on the good things, then I will get through everything.

So, thankyou team9000. You have helped me feel better in those times where I felt like giving up. I love you all and I hope this community lives on for a long time <3
Rmb, if you get yourself demoted to builder or below in Classic, you can always count on me to give you an Aussie Ban <3
Hey, i know how you feel. My biological mother (i live with my dad and step-mother) was an alcoholic for years. She still may be...
Anyway, i know what you feel like right now.

P.S. That turret in guest... <3. I built a sign next to it that says "I don't hate you". And congratz!
It's been great gaming with you. I still remember the days we hung around in survival building houses and fighting mobs :3 Hope shit goes well for ya! :brofist: