The Longest 24 Hours


Active Member
Guess where I am? If you guessed Chick-fil-A, then that's really creepy. Yes, I am indeed at Chick-fil-A, but not just any Chick-fil-A. I am at a Chick-fil-A grand opening. For those that don't know, the first 100 people will win free Chick-fil-A for a year, which consists of 52 coupons.

Here's how it works:
24 hours before a grand opening, 6AM on Wednesday (Chick-fil-A's always open on Thursday), the store allows 110 people to wait for the grand opening. If more than 100 people arrive before 6AM, they do a raffle to determine 100 winners and up to 10 alternates. If chosen, you still have to remain on the property until the grand opening.

Use this thread for comments, questions, requests, and other general stuff.
Update 1: Arrived at the store at 5:30 AM because they sometimes start early. Already a line of about 70 people, more still coming. At 5:55 AM they let us in to the main parking lot (we were in an empty field beforehand). They put us in lines of 25 and said there were about 112 people, so everyone knew it was raffle time. They started handing out tickets, but before they could finish two people left. They started calling the numbers out and the forth number called was mine. I went into the store, filled out some paperwork, and was the first one out. I sat in the parking lot and watched them as they continued calling numbers. Turns out there were 112 people, and the two that left made it exactly 110, so no one went home sad, at least not yet. Been sitting in this chair for a while and it's now 8:15, only 21 hours and 45 minutes left...

I'll be playing some TF2 later on today, so keep a look out for me :)
Thread seems pretty dead, but most people are at work so it'll probably pick up later.

Update 2: Much to my surprise, they are providing food. Looks like I wont have to get my friends at the Whataburger next door to deliver. Sitting on my chair in the Texas heat got boring, so I decide to set up my tent and sit in the heat there. One of the girls in the group next to me decided that she would go to her car to look for her water bottle, after they explicitly stated not to go to your car. She gave them some sob story about her not knowing, so they went easy on her by switching her to an alternate. Finally got a longer extension cord, so I will now be playing some TF2. Add me on steam and join in on the fun if you like. I don't know how long I'll be playing, as I am using the trackpad on my silly laptop. Its 1:15 PM, so that's 16 hours and 45 minutes left.
Update 2.5: That didn't work out at all, my laptop sucks too much. Gonna watch Macross and play flash games :(
There was a promo at the local McDonalds for 1 free big mac everyday for a year, and we only had to wait in line for an hour and half. I guess you really like Chick-fil-a. :confused:
Never really cared much for Chick-fil-a. I've eaten there twice and wasn't really impressed, maybe I just went on bad days, but didn't find it to be much above chicken the chicken offerings from any other fast food chain.
Never really cared much for Chick-fil-a. I've eaten there twice and wasn't really impressed, maybe I just went on bad days, but didn't find it to be much above chicken the chicken offerings from any other fast food chain.

I demand a list of these fast food establishments.

All the ones I've frequented have managed to screw up at least one element of the chicken sandwich. Burger places screw up the chicken part, while chicken places screw up the sandwich part.

Only at Chick-Fil-A have I found the glorious combination of great buns and breasts. Prove to me, good sir, that your story is not just a cock n' bull tale.
I demand a list of these fast food establishments.

All the ones I've frequented have managed to screw up at least one element of the chicken sandwich. Burger places screw up the chicken part, while chicken places screw up the sandwich part.

Only at Chick-Fil-A have I found the glorious combination of great buns and breasts. Prove to me, good sir, that your story is not just a cock n' bull tale.
Chick-Fil-A thinks they're so great because they fry their food in peanut oil and require their staff to act "respectable". Seriously just overrated fast food garbage like all the rest.
Update 3: So much food... Back in my tent, suns almost gone, and it's starting to cool down. They also have a DJ, right next to my tent... :eek:
Got a cool little cow.

I played some Minesweeper, but that game is just too hard. ;)
Not really a huge fan of Chick-fil-A, but free food's free food. I've never heard about that McDonalds thing, but that seems pretty awesome.
As far as the gay rights thing goes, it was an opinion of the owner, not the stance of the company. Whether or not I agree with it (and I don't), his opinions are his opinions.
It's currently 7:45 PM, 10 hours and 15 minutes to go.
As far as the gay rights thing goes, it was an opinion of the owner, not the stance of the company. Whether or not I agree with it (and I don't), his opinions are his opinions.

It has been a while since I read up on the scandal/controversy revolving around Chic Fil A, but I think it went a bit further than just the owner having some beliefs and opinions about marriage. He was actually using the restaurant to discreetly fund and provide financial support to anti-gay equality groups through their non-proft arm, the WinShape Foundation.

Personally, I will never spend a dime at a Chic Fil A for that reason, but in the case of that much free food, I would make the exception because technically I am not giving them money. I hope you enjoy all the food!
Apparently they have something against our high minimum wage, as there are none in this corner of the country.