The Obituary/Tribute Thread


Well-Known Member
The opening may sound a bit morbid, but I assure you its all with good intentions.

This is a thread where you can post about those beloved who have passed on before us. The posts don't have to be about famous people, just whoever you feel deserves a shout-out and some further education for those who didn't know them.

Some Guidelines:
~ If you can't say something nice about/in response to someone, don't say anything at all. R.E.S.P.E.C.T., mmkay?
~ Think about Why you want to post about the person in question: Were they an awe-inspiring individual? Did they make you laugh and lighten your spirits during hard times? Were they an admirable person in professional and personal matters?
~ If you post about a family member, use common sense about how much personal information you're willing to broadcast

In the end, this thread is to give and receive feels for those times when we otherwise may not feel comfortable sharing heart-felt feelings. Death is such an omnipresent fate that strikes unknowingly, but it gives us mortals a reason to cherish life and the memories it leaves behind.
R.I.P. Robin Williams (age: 63)
All through my childhood, this American comedian gave wonderful stand-up performances, movie appearances and amazing character voicings. He even named one of his children Zelda, for crying out loud!

To the man who's made me laugh innumerable times, you'll always be my Bicentennial Man.
Sam Kinison

He may have polarized the US with is his sexist views....but for a guy who used to be a 'preacher' pretty funny points of view when taken in consideration. Oh and he 'Nailed' the chick he was making fun of (Jessica Hahn)

You Tube video of his comedy:

My personal connection is a friend who died a few years back that loved him, right, wrong, or indifferent. I own every single album he ever made.