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The T9k Pokedex Project! An update among other things


Well-Known Member

You all remember this. Some of you weren't even around when I made it. Originally going to be a fun project, it sort of faded into obscurity. We have a lot of new members now, most of which I've gotten a chance to know. Yes, this means what you think it means.

The Johto Dex begins.

People will be moved around, some will stay the same. However, this one is going to be 100% complete before I reveal anything. Dex entries included. Last time, I let a few people know what pokemon they were before I unveiled the list. This WILL NOT happen this time. Everything is going to be a secret for now. Also, no begging to be a pokemon. I will kill you if you do. <3

I apologize for the stupidly long wait and lack of entries that a lot of people were looking forward to. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. Just be patient with me.


Changing gears here as to make this an appropriate length for a blog, The T9k Pokemon League still needs people in order for things to get underway. Be it for the official, or the Bizarro challenge, a new idea given to me indirectly from Crane, where people can challenge super-gimmicky teams, such as a team made completely of Bidoofs, or a team that only uses Metronome. The Bizarro challenge may have a prize, like the official, but I'm not sure as of yet. It depends. For more information, go here: Link; and read all of the following posts.


Yet another gear change, My Minish Cap Let's Play will be ending soon, which means another non-blind LP will be starting within the next month. I've told a few people what game I was going to play, but instead, when the time comes, I'm going to have another voting video. So, be on the lookout for that. There may be a game on that list that you'd love to see me play. :3 I dunno. All I know is that the majority of you wanted me to do Assassin's Creed, and I'm having a blast with it so far.

Alrighty, guys. I'm gonna wrap this up. :p Catch ya later.
If I know your mind the way I think I do, the choices are pretty straightforward for some members. *cough*
I still like that I was Arcanine.

There's so many of the damn things now, I don't remember which ones are the Johto Pokemon anymore.