The Time Has Come

Bai KC!

get back quickly! If you end up in england, come for a pint! (thats how beer comes here).
Sorry. Under 18. And yes I am studying in Shrewsbury. :D
Shrewsbury eh?
Anyone know what's lager? I know it is pronounced lugger, and I heard from my teacher chavs drink it.
Ahhhhhhh kc dont leave. If you start drinking beer in england stay away from the dark lagers at first or you'll never like beer. Your definitely like 4 hours from conrod who doesn't have a car and lives in the middle of no where so if your need anything while youre there youll probably have to talk to lzice, but there all chavs so it doesnt really matter :) laterz and have fun, there are lots of cool places to see there. You will be missed.
Ahhhhhhh kc dont leave. If you start drinking beer in england stay away from the dark lagers at first or you'll never like beer. Your definitely like 4 hours from conrod who doesn't have a car and lives in the middle of no where so if your need anything while youre there youll probably have to talk to lzice, but there all chavs so it doesnt really matter :) laterz and have fun, there are lots of cool places to see there. You will be missed.
I laughed for 3 minutes straight. Is that normal? :rofl:
Its not a suit by the way, its a blazer and nearly all schools over here in the UK wear them, except some of those posh schools they wear something that looks like a dress that had children with a blazer
Kc006 you better have some fun over there. Hell I was there for a month and when I left London missed me so much it decided to riot! Enjoy you studies and for the love of God, if you see Conrod don't challenge him to an arm wrestling match. Still take care and enjoy yourself. Just remember that this community is your home away from home. Take care man!
Cya Kc.

Looking forward to seeing you on the servers again! :)

Btw... dark lager is quite good, if you're me :p
I simply stated not to start with it, as it has a very strong taste compared to the lighter colored lagers. Personally, I'm a fan of cerveza because mexican beer is amazing.