The Time Has Come

Net noobs...


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Steam blocked, Mumble blocked. :( :fuuu:
But at least team9000 isnt blocked! yay!
Blogs at the end of september
Marioman543216 said:
I live Near Shadowwolf :p And why hasn't Kc left yet?

Kc has left... Also, you live near Shadowwolf? I wish I lived near a Team9000 member(TimmyB doesn't count :p)
Kc has left... Also, you live near Shadowwolf? I wish I lived near a Team9000 member(TimmyB doesn't count :p)

I live near Akamus and Apocalypse0, but neither of them wish to drink beer with me, so yeah. You Aussie's need your own folder. The British sent you all to an island on the other side of the planet for a reason.