Think that you're not racially prejudiced? Watch this.

I think that prejudice and stereotypes are different.
Prejudice generally has a much more negative connotation.

Didn't ya hear racism is over :D
[\sarcasm] See people? Your lack of understanding only proves your ingrained racial prejudices. [\sarcasm]
See people? Your lack of understanding only proves your ingrained racial prejudices.
Or...... everyone thinks that video is full of itself.

Which it totally is. There's a difference between prejudices and stereotypes. Whether or not one believes in the stereotypes is what defines the person as having racial prejudices. Implying that everyone believes in stereotypes, and therefore has them, doesn't make me want to look inside myself for the truth, but rather, makes you look like an asshole.
See people? Your lack of understanding only proves your ingrained racial prejudices.
No. My lack of understanding proves that this was made by a bunch of béret-wearing idiots with Art degrees who like to pretend that their "art" is deeper than the average brain can comprehend; when in reality it actually doesn't make any sense without an accompanying thorough explanation of concepts that were poorly conveyed by amateur actors and an unskilled director. Your attempt to shame me is shameful in and of itself. I went into this with an open mind and came out of it with an extremely high level of understanding that I just wasted my time.

Or rather, YOU wasted my time, you pretentious rectal cumstain.
As the video link has been removed and I'm late to the discussion, I have no clue to what everyone is up in arms at. However, I believe it was Stratadon that posted a comment on a blog a while back that went something like this:

"Of course we all have racist, prejudicial thoughts fuelled by stereotypes towards other individuals, such a thing is natural. However, a person shouldn't be judged on their thoughts, rather by their actions. There's a clear difference between individuals that think racist thoughts, and those that lack self-control and act upon their prejudices. The majority that are respectful to others, regardless of their cultural, religious and social backgrounds should not be held accountable for the actions undertaken by racially intolerant dickheads".

Of course I'm paraphrasing here, and while it may not be as eloquent as Stratadon's original post, the message is still the same.
No. My lack of understanding proves that this was made by a bunch of béret-wearing idiots with Art degrees who like to pretend that their "art" is deeper than the average brain can comprehend; when in reality it actually doesn't make any sense without an accompanying thorough explanation of concepts that were poorly conveyed by amateur actors and an unskilled director. Your attempt to shame me is shameful in and of itself. I went into this with an open mind and came out of it with an extremely high level of understanding that I just wasted my time.

Or rather, YOU wasted my time, you pretentious rectal cumstain.
Gurw is OBVIOUSLY prejudiced against art students.

Brb, going to make a terrible video about prejudice against art students.
Holy shit. The video was never meant to be serious, nor was my comment. The video was a parody of the type of video that Gurw just described.
Clickhole is a parody news site, similar to The Onion. I honestly thought that was obvious. Next thing you know, I'm getting called a pretentious rectal cum stain for a video that wasn't actually supposed to make any sense.

Ah who am I kidding? explaining won't actually help. Commence the 50 lashes.

Sorry for the misunderstanding people.
There is one.
People need to visit Twitch more.

Is that guy going poop? Is the video about pooping? Are we talking about poop? Diarrhea is like a rectal cumstain. This thread is totally about poop, right? I just skimmed it, so I'm not sure.