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Three Years: A Team9000 Retrospective


Well-Known Member
Before reading this you should probably know that I started writing this over a month ago. I've known for a while that my three year anniversary on Team9000 was coming up and I wanted to do something special for it. But then I kind got to thinking, that today, November 4th, isn't really just my anniversary on team9000. In fact, in all seriousness, it's not my 3 year at all. Team9000 existed before the forums in the forum of Wooty, et.al.'s jtv channel. November 4th is the Annivesary of team9000 as a whole. I have to say, over the last three years, it's been a hell of a a ride. I like to think that we've come a long way. Through the good times and the bad, we're still here. And I just have one thing to say with that: Fuck yeah. We've had our fair share of occurrences which have almost torn us apart. Hell, we've even ripped this place a new one from the inside a time or two. So what keeps us together?

Community. Love someone or hate them, they're still a member here. This has to be one of the largest groups of people that seem to maintain one group identity while still hating each other. I don't care if you don't like someone, I don't care if you stay away from them, at the end of the day I've seen so much loyalty around there that at times it's unreal. Where does it come from? Well I'm not quite sure. But you know what they say, the family that plays together, stays together. My cliche idioms are catching up with me these days, aren't they? But yes, I think that that is probably the secret of what we do around here: we are a Family. Whether someone thinks they're the member of the "Minecraft People" or the "Mumble People" or even if you're an asshole like me who thinks he's one of the "Original People", at the end of the day, we're all team9000.

Coming from the humble roots of a JTV Gaming channel (and before that a brainstorming session on skype wherein the original members of whom I am not included came up with the name) to what we are today, Millions of visitors strong, hundreds of commited community members, and the best servers on the internet, we've come a long way. How did we get here? Well as much as I hate to admit it these days, minecraft has a lot to do with it. To tell you the truth, I don't remember a lot about the days of team9000 before minecraft was here. I seem to remember that before we had Mumble we had a vent server, various game servers, and we played a hell of a lot of Left 4 Dead. I remember the day we decided to have a competition to see who could beat Half Life 2 first while casting: wooty had a large number of people all casting on the team9000 channel all playing half life 2. I had to work at 6am the next day, and I still stayed up late playing. I don't regret it one bit. I didn't get a chance to finish the game that night, but when it came to the next one: Beating half life 2 episode 2 the fastest I took home first, even though they paused the competition for an hour so I could go have dinner with a girl that I had a crush on. I still ended up winning.

I remember the late nights of Left 4 Dead, playing through the literally thousands of custom maps that wooty downloaded on the server, just to see which ones were broken: and a lot of them were broken. Playing with Ollee and Ozy trying to chase wooty through levels where he'd never stop to kill anything, with his "Russian" playing style.

The days of endless WoW playing, even though I say that I'll never go back to playing WoW there are times that I still miss it.

Minecraft... I honestly don't think I've spent more time playing a game in my life: The hours building stuff in classic, the DAYS I've spent just flying around patrolling, even the time I spent digging a tunnel across the map directly into ConroD's house.

To our infuriating matches in Armagetron, to PAX probably the best four days of my life, the building of the BioDome: Still the most epic build I've ever helped create in all of the history of forever, and I didn't even help build it, hell, I didn't do anything but yell at people to get the right things done while I called myself the "Mayor". To even the great pony war... it's all a part of what makes us great.

Although there have been times when I've almost left this community... my community... I never stayed away for long. Even after I posted a long emotional post saying that I was leaving, I still checked the forums every day, I just wasn't logged in. I can't stay away from here, and you know why? Because you guys are my family. I'm not going to spend a lot of time listing the people that I'm closest to on here... that would be a waste of time. Whether you're someone that I talk to every day, or someone I yell at every time I see you, or someone that I never talk to just know that we are ALL members of team9000 and at the end of the day, week, or 3 years, that makes us awesome, because this is the most Awesome Gaming Community on the internet. Nothing even comes close, and it's not the forums, or mumble, or the fact that we can launch our own servers that makes us awesome, it's the people here that make us awesome. We are Team9000, and we ARE awesome.
I think the reason this community has sustained as long as it has is that everyone here knows everyone, for the most part. On other forums, I could be active for a year and still not really know 10% of the people on the forum. For some reason here, I feel I know every person here, am a friend of every person here, and know most people will help me or I will help anyone else in any way I can if I needed to.

It's the simple atmosphere around here and the fact that we are a lot of people but not a amount that makes us seem so separated. That and I think the thing that keeps me and others drawn here is that it was so easy to make and keep friends here and that it's almost impossible to leave(for me at least).

So yes, to put it best, we are awesome.
Crane I have to say this is one of the greatest things I have read in a long time and every point you brought up is valid. l will not hesitate to say on the scale of T9k's lifetime I'm a relatively new member but even with that being said I cannot thank the community enough for being so accepting and welcoming. It is a wonderful thing being able to meet such a diverse set of people all whom are passionate about gaming. Yes we do have our quarrels from time to time but the community is much stronger than silly cat fights. I am beyond pleased to be apart of it and wish for T9k to grow even stronger as it gets older. Thank you for such an enlightening post as well. May our awesomeness forever reign.
Sweet blog Crane! I'm really not in a typing mood, and seeing as Rsmv and Ekgladiator pretty summed up what I wanted to say, I'll give you my gratitude for making such an awesome post. It's been great being friends with all of you for these past few years, and I wish it nothing but success in the future! <3
rsmv, I don't feel like I know half the people here. Especially with a bunch of new members coming in that I don't even want to get to know, let alone take the time to.

Crane, I couldn't have said this better myself. I get frustrated with t9k a lot, even though I posted the blog about how either you never leave and just complain, or you gtfo (the tl:dr version), yet I've been really frustrated with the community lately, always on the verge of giving up. I don't though. Why? This is my family, the best one I've ever had. A good majority of you "yell" at me and "knock" some sense into me everytime I even hint to leaving. I stay for all of you. I love you guys, esp. you Crane. You big cranky hobo <3
*Holds up glass of Liquid Sugar*
To crane, the official troll of Team 9000! For many more erections to come! I meant years! Heh... years... to come... heh heh HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-
*Chokes on rainbows*

PS. My 2 years is coming up in a week and a half. You can look forward to something special.
Fantastic blog crane. This is the exact way I feel about this place. Every member of this community is like family, love em, hate em, or just don't know em, they are part of what makes this community awesome.

This place has made a huge impact on my life because of the members of this community, so just like you, this community is stuck with me. I heart you crane, conga-rats on your tenure-ship here and I am always thankful of your friendship, your wit, and your antics.
I consider myself to be a part of the Hobo section of Team9000. I hunted us some very nice CS:GO chickens last night. Very tasty.
Very well written. I have some sort of subconscious thought that tells me I've caused you to feel distaste towards me, and if so, my apologies. If it was an insult, I did not intend it as one. If it was a conflicting opinion, nevermind.
This blog is very much true. I've been here for nearly 2 years and enjoyed the acceptance and friendliness that has always been present at Team9000. Admittedly my involvement with T9K has slowed since last year, but I'd say that's for the better.
CRANNNNEEEEEEE. you better bring your sweeet ass to pax so we can high five with our beards. Love you bro no homo.