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Well-Known Member
You could say that this month marks the third anniversary of my joining Team9000.
But there's more to it.

It marks a series of days where time passed by without care or acknowledgement of the kilojoules of energy spent playing games, reading forum posts, and befriending people; many whose faces I haven't had a chance to see.

And I may never see them, but that's okay: We're all in it for the sense of community this site brings. Its just like any other family where you'll have dramas, grudges, mentors and newbies all rubbing elbows and comparing egos. Some may only know others by reputation, others by the active presence they make.

The first few words made in an Introduction Thread enable an image others see of your education, just like how a person's greeting broadcasts how amiable they are. Some find this place from an IRL friend, others from the servers we run. (I arrived here by typing into Google "Minecraft Survival Servers" back in the day. Treetop Farms was totally a thing) Then came the random posts and conversations. Why people have a fascination with females existing on the internet, let alone posting in threads still baffles me, but i guess that's a running gag with many forums. Then came the Mumble chat. Then the extra incentive to join Game Nights from the generosity of people throwing extra copies of Killing Floor and Terraria and other indie games. Then the desktop parts purchase and assembly. Then ALL THE GAMES BUT NOT REALLY unless you count uninstalled games floating in a library as part of that.


And then people convinced me to go to PAX East last year. Months of saving money and planning out routes prior culminated to the deciding factor in why I stayed around this site. Of course there's going to be an asshole here and there trolling your thread, but meeting up with some of the members in physical form give an extra dimension to those social aspects. Some are willing to care for you and hold your hair back when you are drunk and purging in the restroom. Others make jokes so offensive but you laugh along anyway because you're convinced both are going to Hell. Some are cuddlier than you first thought. Others just lurk and participate awkwardly just like how one would imagine in a forum. There are scowls and bitch faces that morph into unexpected smiles and genuine laughter.

And after all is said and done, everybody returns to their respective locations and revert back to non-PAX behavior, sitting in front of their computers or staring at their smartphones reminiscing how much fun PAX was. Time passes by, people come and go. Wash, rinse, repeat. Our biological clocks keep ticking to a rhythm that will eventually fade as we grow older and pass on. PAX arrives again, and its just as exciting as the previous one. New and old faces, new experiences, its all back for that seemingly short weekend. PAXiety and depression soon follow, because we're human and have feelings.

Its funny how Time is meaningless when mortality is taken out of the picture. As humans our self awareness of that limited lifespan here on earth enable us to savor "life" more: To enjoy and appreciate our friends made from whatever means of communication. There's too many people from this site to list one by one my gratitude toward your entertainment and friendship/acquaintance. However, I'm sure the members particularly influential know who they are. Collectively, you've helped me heal from some pretty shitty situations that IRL messed me up emotionally.

So, with that said let's give that applause to more years of enjoying your company, Team9000. Time passes by, but I'll still be here. After all, I've spent time, energy and resources over these last three years toward creating this personal experience.
For those that are curious, yes. PAXiety and the depression are, in fact, a real side-effect from going to PAX. To see some of the people whom you've joked with, gamed with, had conversations with, acted like total fucking nutcases with.... It's a feeling you can't put to words. It's a good feeling.