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Timing out when /goto guest


New Member
This only happens in Guest, I can load anything else. I turned off my Cable Box because that usually caused it. But no, it keeps doing the same thing, now I have no where to build.

Any solutions?

Yes I am using WoM if that has anything to do with it.

EDIT: The problem is WoM, it only happens when I use WoM. Any ideas?
This only happens in Guest, I can load anything else. I turned off my Cable Box because that usually caused it. But no, it keeps doing the same thing, now I have no where to build.

Any solutions?

Yes I am using WoM if that has anything to do with it.

EDIT: The problem is WoM, it only happens when I use WoM. Any ideas?

It may be possible that WoM has too high / low of a memory limit set for your computer.
Right click on run.bat and click Edit.


  %JAVA6% -classpath skin;lib\jinput.jar;lib\lwjgl.jar;lib\lwjgl_util.jar;lib\wom.jar;lib\minecraft.jar -Djava.library.path=native\windows -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.awt.noerasebackground=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false -Xmx800M Main

and try increasing or decreasing the 800 at the end. Maybe try 512 instead?
Well, that's probably the problem.

A game full of tiny cubes with terrible textures and a terrible shadow system is running my system to the ground. Oh god I feel so primitive, anyway, putting fog on medium works, but its just fugly.

EDIT: Now it doesn't at all, and world of minecraft is down too.
A game full of tiny cubes with terrible textures and a terrible shadow system is running my system to the ground. Oh god I feel so primitive, anyway, putting fog on medium works, but its just fugly.

EDIT: Now it doesn't at all, and world of minecraft is down too.

The WoM client phones home before it lets you into the server. Their website is down, so it takes FOREVER. Just let it sit for a while.
The WoM client phones home before it lets you into the server. Their website is down, so it takes FOREVER. Just let it sit for a while.

Wooty, I have found the problem, I can join oldguest, that should use about the same amount of memory. Yet Oldguest has a incredibly low amount of players compared to guest. The problem is the amount of players.

You know Guest has an insane amount of players. So many players it glitches the minecraft tab button.

So, Wooty, I ask of you, create another alternative to guest that isn't /fun because fun sucks. I think another guest will be great, or a cool only build place out of guest. This will give guest even more space to build and give cools a respectable place to build thats a pretty decent size.

Cools and artist have no place to build buildings, cools will lose it in 3 day and the only thing an artist has is sprites. So I believe a new world, just for cool and up, could give cools and artist a true place to build without an immense amount of people.

Anyway, Cool Island is becoming crowded. There is at least 2 guys ranked up to cool a day.

EDIT: This only happens in WoM, not the in-browser version. But I won't give up flying, its just amazing.
I feel that there is enough space in cool to meet the demands for space. As for sprites, you can go to spritebuilder1 or 2.