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TinaPa/alleyesonchris Promotion


New Member
Me and my boyfriend alleyesonchris work as a team for our buildings. Here's our massive tree house we did in about 3 hours.

Tree house overall.png Treehouse entrance.png Tree stairwell.png Bedroom.png Exterior of livingroom.png Livingroom entrance.png Livingroom couch&TV.png Livingroom couch and bookcase.png Inside staircase.png Inside balcony.png Outside balcony.png Balcony looking inside.png

When you click the picture, the description of the area is in the url
You haven't quite built enough to be promoted to the next rank, but keep up the good work! Feel free to continue posting your work to this thread, and we'll continue to review it over time.

Even though you haven't been promoted yet, keep in mind that it is our top priority to protect all of our user's creations safe from griefers. Even if you are only guest rank, we still try our best to keep the guest worlds clean and safe for everyone.
Here is some more of my work from today. The house took me 4 and a half hours, the pokemon took me 2 hours, with the help of alleyesonchris. Hope you like it :)

Untitled.png Untitled1.png Untitled2.png Untitled3.png Untitled4.png Untitled5.png Untitled6.png Untitled7.png Untitled8.png Untitled9.png Untitled10.png Untitled11.png Untitled12.png Untitled13.png Untitled14.png Untitled15.png Untitled16.png Untitled17.png Untitled18.png Pokemon.png
Here are some pics of another thing I did last night with the help of alleyesonchris. I built a maze and made my home hidden in it. Only I can get to it :)

Maze home 3.png Maze home.png Maze home1.png Maze home2.png Maze home4.png maze home5.png
This is a castle worked on by me and alleyesonchris. We are working on another thing right now.backsidetop.png ceiling.png Chris Castle.png entrance.png lobby 2.png lobby 3.png lobby1.png Outside Castle Chris.png side view.png throne room.png
Hey! So that's your pikachu behind my cave! Looks great! Keep up the great work!

(sorry for the sign being in the way kinda... I'll see if I can move that if I can get on that world...)
Aha, yeah, and don't worry about it, I was able to get high enough up that I could get the picture without the sign being in the way!
Nah, it's my bad--usually when people are making mosaics/pictures they're higher than that and I wasn't thinking when I made that.

I should try my hand at that sometime, but I usually never mess with the picture end of things. Too complex, and i'd really mess them up. Heck, I had a hard enough time with a guitar! My big problem is that I never want to have things be big enough, and allways mess them up by having them be to small.

I guess that's why I'm a Tunnel Rat, not a idol builder and block artist. Lol.
Nah, it's my bad--usually when people are making mosaics/pictures they're higher than that and I wasn't thinking when I made that.

I should try my hand at that sometime, but I usually never mess with the picture end of things. Too complex, and i'd really mess them up. Heck, I had a hard enough time with a guitar! My big problem is that I never want to have things be big enough, and allways mess them up by having them be to small.

I guess that's why I'm a Tunnel Rat, not a idol builder and block artist. Lol.

I share your pain with pictures. I tried making a sprite and failed, so... Yeah. I can only do decent sprites when I grid them out first, which is frustrating and sometimes difficult to follow ^^'

Tina, good job on the sprites. You have a lot of builds, and the majority of them look pretty sweet ;3 Good luck.
CPDO123, It's really not too hard, I look up fusion bead art and follow those, it's simple if you do it that way because it's already mapped out for you and the beads are basically blocks in a way. If you want help, let me know, I've only done a few but it's simple.

BambiSama, thank you, I try hard to make them look as nice as possible, I want to get promoted but I heard that you have to build something extremely large and it took me 2 hours or so for the Pikachu so building something larger is going to take triple that and I'm always working or at school because my classes are morning and night classes so it's hard to get the time minus the weekends. I'm happy you like what I have been able to build :)
CPDO123, It's really not too hard, I look up fusion bead art and follow those, it's simple if you do it that way because it's already mapped out for you and the beads are basically blocks in a way. If you want help, let me know, I've only done a few but it's simple.

...er, if you're going to do that, give credit to the original designer. I know several people who make and sell the fusion bead art, and they get pretty pissed when they find their design being used on MC without credit. I was actually just talking to one of them about that a few days ago, because I had commented on doing the same thing when I was at their stand at a convention. They said they were flattered when they found it in MC, but were frustrated that they hadn't been creditted.

BambiSama, thank you, I try hard to make them look as nice as possible, I want to get promoted but I heard that you have to build something extremely large and it took me 2 hours or so for the Pikachu so building something larger is going to take triple that and I'm always working or at school because my classes are morning and night classes so it's hard to get the time minus the weekends. I'm happy you like what I have been able to build :)

Honestly, big, complex things are always good, but if you can show your talent in smaller things, that's just as good. Just work quickly and make what you can ;O
Honestly, most of the stuff I find on google and they don't really have anyone claiming the art, it's more or less just a picture someone posts and says look at how cool this is! so there really isn't anyone to credit on them. I don't like taking others art but the ones I did, there is many online places that tell you how to do it. I do understand what you are saying though.