Top 5 Greatest Moments in Team9000 History


Well-Known Member
I was thinking a while ago and thought to me what the best moments in Team9000 were to me, even if I wasn't or was there.
Well here's my list and post your top 5 moments

5. And there goes the server, and that kids computer privileges.
So everyone remembers that one time when the Minecraft Server got hacked and those guys gave themselves admins and went on a happy go lucky tnt spree and destroyed every city near spawn? And then the guy who did it posted on here with his online name linking to some mc hacker forum showing off what he did?

Well turns out the dumb ass used his online name to make his facebook account, which showed up in google if you searched his forum name. This in term lead I believe it was mikey magic to find his mothers phone number, call his mother (I think mikey recorded it) and basically told her what he did and I don't remember it all but the mother seemed ticked at him.

4. Team9000 is "hacked"

So sometime last year Team9000 was threatened by this "hacker". He set a time that he was going to "hack" team9000 and threatened to take down the site and "ruin" us. At first we laughed until we saw the page that had a count down timer to when we were going to get hacked with a video of the hacker talking about how he would hack us. I asked woot about the page and he told me "Oh I know, I made the page". Which in term made this go from concerning to fucking hilarious. Woot saw the threats and setup the page and a timer for the dude and I think took some legal type action against him that I can't remember. Which I found pretty funny during the duration it happened.

3. Battle of Eagles Pass

2. Wooty faces/admin faces



1. White People White People White People White People

Post your top 5
I think the Battle of Eagle Pass was definitely the height of the Team9000's activity overall, so that's #1 in my book.

Rest in peace Team9000 streaming. ;(
there have been so many things that have been absolutely hysterical around here, I will need some time to think about what my top 5 are.....but trust me, they are going to be good.
Mine are a little more on the personal greatest things ever, but here they are:

5) Getting ranked the way i did, up to awesome

4) Finding and playing T9K classic up until mojang fucked it over, repeatedly

3) The survival world that contained Sebastian, Haven, etc. i loved that world (still do.)

2) Rtaxx coming back, hacking account, getting rebanned, etc

1) Betapeteykrules' semi final ban from Tbarius.
I enjoyed my dramatic reading of "I WILL QUIT", that's gotta be high up there.


I'm not exactly sure, I've just enjoyed coming on every day and such. Nothing really... Comes to mind.
i totally forgot 90% of what happened here, but it seems i saved some pictures.

that moment when you could see a coconut irl.. at home (but i didn't ;_; )

queso convo 1.png

queso convo 2.png

being loyal to the flag of Cydonia
cydonia (1).png

and of course..

but i DO remember that number 1 on my list is finding this site filled with the idiots i love <3

(pics don't work, don't be lazy, just click on them :3 )
Too many. One will definitely be Turtle Beach Guy, though.




And maybe the time with "Notch" came on and griefed the whole server.

I have pics of when notch banned olleee...ban reason was the greatest thing ever!!... I will need to find those pics and post them here.
I enjoyed my dramatic reading of "I WILL QUIT", that's gotta be high up there.


I'm not exactly sure, I've just enjoyed coming on every day and such. Nothing really... Comes to mind.
That reading was so damn funny. You can't just mention that without including a link. :sneaky:
These are the top 5 moments that I've witnessed:

4. I stand corrected
3. April Fools 2012 (Ponies everywhere... a certain well-known member got banned)
2. April Fools 2013 (Dicks everywhere... another well-known member got banned)
1. That one thread that popped up after that kid messed up the minecraft server. Sadly, it was deleted... I really wish I could see that thread now. I posted a GTA gif on that thread (muh foarum laaaiyyks)...


0. I would classify this as one of Team9000's "hidden gems". Moondoggy does math.