Top 5 Greatest Moments in Team9000 History

Just curious, what was this? :P
It was a warm evening on the 17th of January, 2011 and I had come on to MC Classic for my 4th day on the t9k server to find all these crazy people flying around being awesome, building some massive awesome thing. It was the Team 9000 Politburo:

This then became a bigger thing I kind of championed into building an entire USSR city in guest, where I got some awesome hep from a tonne of people, namely casham ( who helped out because I built a giant harbour bridge ) and then Trilf, Tempace, Yarnball, S0uleater and many more awesome people;

This then ended up being a giant thing that moved over into cool17, cool18 where me and dutch took over ridiculous areas with tonnes of other people and then into some zones and whatnot- I distinctly remember Psupepporoni, rsmv and whatupguys being an awesome help until casey got upset because he was a ginger and ended up trying to start a 'Ginger' ruing faction, which was ofcourse ludicrous.

The end.
found the pics from when "Notch" joined our server....

olleeollee banned.JPG
main flooded.JPG
main spawn blocked.JPG
museum flood.JPG
notch work1.png

Oh the hilarious chaos.
There was the long standing inside jokes across team9000 as well which spawned off MC

Like when I had that crappy mic which kept breaking on me everytime I tried to tell a story that became known as the Yuky Curse.

and I don't quite remember what started it...but everytime the letter R was mentioned....I would teleport TheAnarchist directly in front of the letter R in the Griefers Suck sign...and just repeat in chat "R"...and he would always reply in kind...and then sigh deeply.
My Top 5 based on my PERSONAL Experiences. I wasn't around that much for all of the cool stuff. :(

5. The artwork home page. Drawing on it kicked ass and the stuff some people made was cool as shit.

4. Crazyredneck. Ignorant motherfucker made my day every time he posted something REALLY stupid.

3. The Red Leader Thread. Was sad to see it die. :(

2. Building my kick-ass city in survival with all of my friends and brother (God Damn Hacker). Was the first time in a long time me and my friends came together and intensely played Minecraft. R.I.P Kaon :(

1. All of Minecraft Classic. It was what got me here to T9K almost 3 years ago and I have had countless good memories with it. From all of the retarded noobs (I actually miss them), to grief checking, to building awesome pixel art (below is my favorite work), to just chatting with all of you guys on there. Sad I never made it past builder. :(
Tana Art.jpg

Honorable Mention: My bromance with Hectic_Rapidz.