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Truth is......?


Active Member
The Truth is that this server is the best thing to ever happen to me on minecraft and im proud to be here
The Truth is that the server has great mods and admins but needs more of them......
-The server deserves the best and only a few people can provide that.
-The community of people who call Team9000 home wants to see this server like it used to be when the mods and admins were active.
- I <3 this community with all my little minecraft hearts and think there should be some sorta change to be made.
- i honestly don't want anyone mad at me for this but please just consider it.
- this took lot of heart to write and i am honestly scared to see a outcome of it. i dont want anything bad to happen
i dont care if it isnt, i am getting tired of being on the server for like 1+ hours and not seeing anyone of awesome+ rank on. its a little annoying and im sure you will see that lots of engi's have the same issue
This is kinda unrelated but this thread made me want to look up "I'm going home" from the rocky horror picture show on YouTube and listen to it for some reason...

I don't want to sound like I'm asking for engi, because I'm NOT, I'm just saying I do think we need more mods on. I remember one time where I was the highest ranked player online with 40+ guests (kind of a slow day, but ya'know) and it sucked.
We'll have more Minecraft Classic admins when there are more trusty and faithful builers in my opinion :/
When I read "Truth is..." I lost all hope for this thread. I was glad to see these two phrases not related in any way.
I'm rarely ever on Classic, maybe once a month tops, so I have no opinion on this.:p
Most of us have a job/kids/wife/girlfriend/school and so on so we can't be on 24/7. The grief isn't going anywhere and if you feel the need just take Screenshots.

Oh and we just get sick of minecraft. :p
i dont care if it isnt, i am getting tired of being on the server for like 1+ hours and not seeing anyone of awesome+ rank on. its a little annoying and im sure you will see that lots of engi's have the same issue

1+ Hours isn't even an issue lol. 4 + is an indicator of needing more
4+ is an indicator of needing more

i dont care if it isnt, i am getting tired of being on the server for like 1+ hours and not seeing anyone of awesome+ rank on. its a little annoying and im sure you will see that lots of engi's have the same issue
I believe we have a good amount of high ranked players and that your are just a bit impatient. (just my beliefs consider them lightly)
This issue has been brought to our attention several times lately. You have to remember that everyone is just now starting to come back from their holidays. The amount of admins have steadily been increasing, but this isn't something that just changes overnight. Several people in the last few weeks have been promoted into or further up the moderator ranks. The reason we are always in need if moderators is the same as always. We WILL NOT promote anyone until we feel they are ready, and quite frankly, there just aren't to many good candidates at the moment. With time the moderators and admins will increase, but I will tell you now that there is always one somewhere around, maybe not on minecraft, but mumble, awesome chat, or the forums. Also, issues don't have to be handled right away, we can grab them when we hop on next, although a continual presence is preferred, its not always possible to achieve no matter how many admins we have on.
I can't speak for other admins, but I am always on mumble for at least a few hours everyday during the week. I get on Classic at least once a week and try to control the masses, but I do have a personal life, and that gets priority over anything else (aside from my job). If ever there is something going on in Classic that you feel needs immediate attention, just send me a message on the Forums either on my profile or start a conversation and I will respond promptly. I almost always have this site up somewhere near me at work and at home, and so I'll see the message and try to either get online myself or try to ask someone else to get on and regulate and legislate.
Today, I saw tbarius, PatchouIi, Dasbeast, and xVibes within an hour of each other. I don't see a shortage of mods.

Personally, I try to hop on whenever I see 80 or more players. If I'm the highest rank on, I do my best to keep things nuder control until an awe+ hops on. I try not to pester the mods if only a few builds are griefed (since block history will most likely still be there when the next mod comes on) but I do alert them when things get out of hand (ex. grief/troll flash mobs).

Basically, don't fret. Justice will come in due time.
twkiller, as Casey said, this issue is at the forefront of out attention, and we apologize for the....lacking....of moderation. Also, as Casey said, if you have an issue, Chat, Forums, and Mumble(Moslty mumble) are the ways to get a hold of someone.

As to new moderators, it takes time to see if a person is mature enough for the task. Sure, we could do some trial by fire, but then you have a lot of people's feelings getting hurt when they are abused, and that is just plain unacceptable. As it stands, between the 3 mediums mentioned above, I have yet to see a time(even excluding when I am around) that there is not a single person capable of handling issues around for the last couple months.

As to the praise, we are glad you feel so passionately about the server, and are always open to constructive criticism. If ever you have anything to say, feel free to contact myself, or another admin, via the private message system(AKA Conversations) and we will be more than happy to work with you on the issue. I for one am always open to being contacted, and will always respond within a timely manner(generally, less than a day)

Also... < 3
i respect all your ideas. but some of the things are likey to be impossible for me. my mumble is on my laptop and my laptop is not available when im on minecraft. its a divorce issue thats complicated to go over between my mom and dad but anyways. when im on team9000 im at my dads where my laptop is not available. i do know that you all have lives and thats my problem, i dont really have one atm. I was very scared to make a thread like this tbh and im sorry for wasting anyones time. i just wanted the issue to be known by our fellow members not just one admin. and i have noticed that the awesome+ activity has been picking up and i do appreciate it alot,