

Well-Known Member
Well... I've been toiling around with this for sometime now, and I think I'll feel a bit better about it if I share it with you guys. I'm usually a self conscious person, and expressing this to you guys took some major courage on my part. I hope you understand, no-matter how odd this may be. Anyway, something I've recently became interested in has prompted me to make a drastic decision that could make a huge change in my life, positive or negative, depending on how this goes. I'm never into these sorts of things to begin with, but once I kept researching it, the more this idea grew on me.

Here's this "something" I'm talking about, it's called a Tulpa. Think of it like this: A tulpa is like an advanced hallucination of your subconscious. This thing is completely sentient once fully developed and is in control of its opinions, feelings, and movements as well. You're basically containing a section of your subconscious, developing an alternate personality, and visually manifesting it. How these are created though, is quite the undertaking.

This is going to sound a bit off, but the main method for creating a Tulpa revolves around a concept called Tulpaforcing (You'll have to scroll a little to find the definition). Tulpaforcing is the act of taking certain steps to create a Tulpa, usually through what is basically meditation sessions. This process of Tuplaforcing, for the average person, usually takes near 100 hours, give or take, to form a complete, sentient tulpa. No, I don't mean 100 hours all at once, but tuplaforcing is broken into sessions of anywhere's from 30 minutes to 3 hours a day. So, this whole process takes around 2 months. So, what does one do while tuplaforcing? They go through certain thought processes to create a tulpa. There are many methods to "create" one, but the basic principles are forming a personality, visualization, and imposing. Forming a personality is exactly as it seems, taking human traits and combining them together to create a separate "mind". Visualization would be creating the form of the tulpa, or what it looks like. It can be anything really, as long as it won't conflict with your life, such as making yourself or a family member (Could you imagine?). Imposing would be enforcing this being into the world around you. As these previous steps have all taken place inside the mind, you must be able to visually input this entity in your environment. Obviously, since this is a hallucination, only you will be able to talk to it and interact with it. Of course there's things tulpa can and can't do, they're stated here: Reaches of the tulpa.

This probably sounds completely insane, but who wouldn't be thinking that?

There's a reason I'm doing this, besides it being intriguing to me, would be to test the limits of the human brain. Honestly, I feel weird for trying this out for a simple experiment, but I feel as if I could grow as a person if I succeed. Also, I have a friend and my twin who decided to do this along with me, so we're going through this together it seems. I'm going to try and keep this to myself for the start, as I'm not sure others around me are so open-minded as to something like this, and I really don't want to seem like the even weirder kid at my school. This is going to take planning, commitment, and total disregard for the things I believe to be true in order for this to succeed.

In conclusion, anyone interested in researching this, discussing it, or even deciding to try it, lets talk about it here. I'm kinda tired right now and there may be a few grammar errors or maybe some key points that I may have forgotten while I've been typing this out, but if you want to look into this more, this site should prove helpful. It's full of guides, articles, and there's even a forum. Tulpa.Info.
Oh god.... Tulpae....

Parts of /mlp/ are utterly obsessed with creating them, and some posters claim to have pony tulpae (not sure if they're serious or not). Most people think this is a joke, but scientifically I think it's actually possible. A tulpa's just an imaginary friend, and as children a fair number of us have probably had them. But obviously these imaginary friends can be dangerous to your state of mind (since they are created and influenced by the subconscious) so eventually, most young children kill them off.

I remember there was once a thread on /mlp/ about a person who had utterly failed at creating a Pinkie Pie tulpa. Basically he had made the mistake of always visualizing her before his sleep, and this ended up with his dreams influencing the tulpa and causing it to go.... wrong...

I think there's an archive for that thread... Oh, here it is:


Interesting stuff, but that thread has discouraged me from ever attempting to create a tulpa. Dude probably went mad or something.
People have had imaginary friends since forever. We just "grow out" of them after a while. Some of us apparently never did. Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
Oh god.... Tulpae....

Parts of /mlp/ are utterly obsessed with creating them, and some posters claim to have pony tulpae (not sure if they're serious or not). Most people think this is a joke, but scientifically I think it's actually possible. A tulpa's just an imaginary friend, and as children a fair number of us have probably had them. But obviously these imaginary friends can be dangerous to your state of mind (since they are created and influenced by the subconscious) so eventually, most young children kill them off.

I remember there was once a thread on /mlp/ about a person who had utterly failed at creating a Pinkie Pie tulpa. Basically he had made the mistake of always visualizing her before his sleep, and this ended up with his dreams influencing the tulpa and causing it to go.... wrong...

I think there's an archive for that thread... Oh, here it is:


Interesting stuff, but that thread has discouraged me from ever attempting to create a tulpa. Dude probably went mad or something.
Hahahaha holy fuck.

I saw this go around but never took the time to read it. This is hilarious and horrifying. I wonder what happened to OP if he was honest to god going batshit insane.
This sounds like an interesting idea. Having read some of the information in the links already provided I feel this wouldn't be all that hard. Considering how much effort it takes and all that in fleshing out something I related it to what I do when I make characters for my story. I end up spending more time on them then actual story though I don't usually let it get as far as imposing them onto my world. Though I have to agree that this goes along a strain of imaginary friend. Though I don't believe I let any imaginary friend get to the point of what a tulpa is.
Imaginary friends forming split personalities in your head?! Well... I guess its not all "that" wierd. Everyone needs their "personal Jesus" when things get rough and there's no one understands you better than "personal Jesus"....

My waifu will kill me one day.
Imaginary friends forming split personalities in your head?! Well... I guess its not all "that" wierd. Everyone needs their "personal Jesus" when things get rough and there's no one understands you better than "personal Jesus"....
That was uncalled for.
didn't trailer park boys make mention of this throughout the show? When bubbles had trouble doing things and needed the boost of confidence, he got a hand puppet named Conky, that was bubbles, but held it's own personality and would even converse with Bubbles in a different voice......damn trailer park boys was a fantastic show.
Oh god.... Tulpae....

Parts of /mlp/ are utterly obsessed with creating them, and some posters claim to have pony tulpae (not sure if they're serious or not). Most people think this is a joke, but scientifically I think it's actually possible. A tulpa's just an imaginary friend, and as children a fair number of us have probably had them. But obviously these imaginary friends can be dangerous to your state of mind (since they are created and influenced by the subconscious) so eventually, most young children kill them off.

I remember there was once a thread on /mlp/ about a person who had utterly failed at creating a Pinkie Pie tulpa. Basically he had made the mistake of always visualizing her before his sleep, and this ended up with his dreams influencing the tulpa and causing it to go.... wrong...

I think there's an archive for that thread... Oh, here it is:


Interesting stuff, but that thread has discouraged me from ever attempting to create a tulpa. Dude probably went mad or something.
Wow, that's just crazy. OP is an idiot for even trying what he did, although he could just be a troll. I really can't take anything on there seriously.

Fuck it, I'm making a Jackie Chan tulpae
Yeah, a Jackie Chan tulpa is the only way you're surviving a horde of pony tulpae.
Well, I've read the wiki and there has been some unexplained phenomena with Tulpa making... like ghosts/appirations of tulpa appearing before villagers... That's just wicked, the freaky kinda wicked; I dread the day you actually succeed...

hell, just get a falabella and paint it pink or something. Or make a sentient program.

But if you need a failsafe have a bucket of lacquer thinner ready to drink.*

* - Don't actually drink it.

You might want to read about Philip the ghost.
>already read the story
>looks behind at the double looking over my shoulder
>goes back to typing the rest of this reply out
>meditates before going to sleep
>has epic lucid dreams
well, I going to try this...

I'll post my results once my tulpa forms(even though I know this is not a easy task)
Sweet, the more the merrier! If you have any questions, I could try and help, or for something more effective, check the forums. Also, just for good measure, you can always start with a personality, there's no "correct" way to force one. So read up and try something different if the need arises!

i've had a Ho-Oh Tulpa since I was a kid. I'd look up at the sky and see rainbows <3
Sounds legit, although... pics or it didn't happen x3.
On a more serious note, is it sentient?

I've made a decision to start up a progress report on the tulpa forums (I'll create it in a few days or so). So, any and every day-to-day activity is going to be jotted down on there instead of here, or I might just update this one on a less regular basis, I haven't decided on that yet. To get things started, here's what I have so far with my tulpa:

Gender: Female
Name: Iris
Age: 10 days
Form: Work in Progress, although will most likely be some creature.
Personality: Getting more defined day-by-day.
Vocal: No
Sentient: Unsure

The forcing has been going decently. I've mostly been doing lots of personality work via narration in my head and a little visual on the side, we seem to be making progress. Although, I have to get over my preconceived ideas on the concept of tulpae. I'm having a really hard time accepting her existence, as weird as it sounds. It's really hard to put into words, but I feel as if I'm not believing in her like I should, and I feel like I'm letting her down because of it...
Going to keep working, I'm in too far to doubt myself now!