
I was recently reading a visual novel that seemingly dealt with the protagonist having multiple personalities and was reminded of this thread. In the end, did anyone decide and successfully manage to form and interract with a "tulpa" and if so what were the positive and negative repercussions from your actions. The whole subject itself has increasingly become more intriguing in the last few weeks and I would personally find it interesting to engage in discussion about the topic once again.
There are many issues with tulpas. For starters, should you successfully create one, they are next to impossible to get rid of. This becomes a major problem should you manage the next to impossible task of making them sentient. A tulpa with free will can be a dangerous thing, if they grow to hate you. This is why most tulpas you hear about aren't, yet people claim they are. They have a controlled free will, as it were, being able to do some things on their own, but being blocked from doing others.

Personal opinion? If you don't have one, don't attempt to make one. If you have one that's truly sentient, and not under your control at all, be careful. Tulpas aren't toys, or things to be taken lightly for that matter.
There is no proof or evidence that tulips are real. Youre either an attention whore or on drugs.
Whoa, okay there. What makes you think that the human mind isn't capable of this? It seems entirely possible to me. Perhaps you should look more into it before making such rash and direct statements.
There is no proof or evidence that tulips are real. Youre either an attention whore or on drugs.

I mean, it's kind of hard to get evidence. But lets be honest, the fact is that you're tricking the brain into seeing something where there isn't actually anything. Considering the brain is capable of making illusions if all your senses are lessened, I'm not surprised in the least that it's possible.

I also don't know if you're just being sarcastic by calling them Tulips,
Damn you Poe's Law!
Whoa, okay there. What makes you think that the human mind isn't capable of this? It seems entirely possible to me. Perhaps you should look more into it before making such rash and direct statements.
So if Tulpas are real because the mind is capable capable these allusions.

Then every asian person on America is a North Korean sleeper agent whos "brain triggers" won't be activated till they hear the newest edition of Psy's rap career
There is no proof or evidence that tulips are real. Youre either an attention whore or on drugs.
It's known (and this is really being extremely specific - I had to call a psychologist friend of mine) as Severe Self-Induced Hallucinogenic Schizophrenia (Positive Symptoms)(NOTE: The "Positive" here is a scientific term, not relative. It describes symptoms not present in average people, as opposes to "Negative" symptoms, which are symptoms involving deficits of normal thought processes). Those who are raised in the community that believes in the (modern) Tulpa and who are also more susceptible to making themselves schizophrenic are - instead of being referred to a doctor and given medical care - lifted up by the community as successful creators.

I refuse to take a stance on this either way. The inner scientist in me wants to disregard this as either a bunch of liars or people forcing themselves to hallucinate...but I have also personally experienced (and continue to experience on a semi-regular basis with some known triggers and some unknown) a form of projection (also known as dream-travelling, or spirit-walking, or any of a dozen other names). I have also communed with my spirit animal, and both my older half-sister and my girlfriend are sensitives - they can sense souls who refuse to pass over. To me, the portion of my brain that only deals in the firm and known refuses to acknowledge them as anything other than hallucinations; but the rest of me views these occurrences as something science just can't yet explain.

I'd also like to say that you are a prick, and are no longer welcome in my vicinity. Please refrain from posting in the future if you're going to continue to be an arrogant snob with a brain smaller than his already diminutive testicles.
It's known (and this is really being extremely specific - I had to call a psychologist friend of mine) as Severe Self-Induced Hallucinogenic Schizophrenia (Positive Symptoms)(NOTE: The "Positive" here is a scientific term, not relative. It describes symptoms not present in average people, as opposes to "Negative" symptoms, which are symptoms involving deficits of normal thought processes). Those who are raised in the community that believes in the (modern) Tulpa and who are also more susceptible to making themselves schizophrenic are - instead of being referred to a doctor and given medical care - lifted up by the community as successful creators.

I refuse to take a stance on this either way. The inner scientist in me wants to disregard this as either a bunch of liars or people forcing themselves to hallucinate...but I have also personally experienced (and continue to experience on a semi-regular basis with some known triggers and some unknown) a form of projection (also known as dream-travelling, or spirit-walking, or any of a dozen other names). I have also communed with my spirit animal, and both my older half-sister and my girlfriend are sensitives - they can sense souls who refuse to pass over. To me, the portion of my brain that only deals in the firm and known refuses to acknowledge them as anything other than hallucinations; but the rest of me views these occurrences as something science just can't yet explain.

I'd also like to say that you are a prick, and are no longer welcome in my vicinity. Please refrain from posting in the future if you're going to continue to be an arrogant snob with a brain smaller than his already diminutive testicles.

Before you get upset and complicated, I want to make it clear that the whole "There is no proof or evidence that tulips are real. Youre either an attention whore or on drugs." was directed at any person. Firstly I believe you shouldn't hound somebody for challenging a theory, even if the approach isn't to your tastes. You're so used to arrogant people that don't think at all mindlessly posting that youre masked in this idea that every post that challenges something such as tulpas is a bad post. Please refrain from calling people out.

Second, I'd like to apologize if I offended you in any way. I did not know of the personal exsperience you have shared and now I have learned more than I ever will in my school days.
I'll be willing to believe this whole 'Tupla' thing is possible to an extent for now. To what extent I do not know. However, the idea of creating some sort of self-induced schizophrenia is certainly an interesting idea, but the risks and negatives seem to greatly out way what you stand to gain. What exactly do you get from creating this other person? I talk to myself all the time, or will even invent conversations or discuss ideas from varying viewpoints quite frequently because I enjoy exploring different perspectives. In that respect, having created another person completely unique from yourself to have these sorts of conversations with would be novel, but I can't think of it being anything besides that. I don't like the idea of risking my own sanity and safety for the sake of what might develop into deep and complex conversations and interactions.

The only thing off the top of my head I could find comparable to this would probably be hypnosis, as silly as this sounds. This whole idea seems like some sort of extreme self-hypnosis. These 'sessions' mentioned previously that you must do often in order to create your Tulpa sound like you are putting yourself into a sort of suggestible hypnotic state, and tricking yourself into truly believing in what you are imagining. It was mentioned that Tulpa's are often very difficult to dispose of, and that is one of the great dangers. I'm curious if someone who claims to have a Tulpa, and was willing to be subjected to hypnosis in which they were told their Tulpa no longer exsisted, or told to forget ever having had a Tulpa, would that actually solve the problem.

This is all very interesting to think about, and this is all thoughts coming from someone with a minor understanding of hypnosis and a very very minor understanding of Tulpas, so feel free to correct or comment on what I've said based on what you understand and what not.
Before you get upset and complicated, I want to make it clear that the whole "There is no proof or evidence that tulips are real. Youre either an attention whore or on drugs." was directed at any person. Firstly I believe you shouldn't hound somebody for challenging a theory, even if the approach isn't to your tastes. You're so used to arrogant people that don't think at all mindlessly posting that youre masked in this idea that every post that challenges something such as tulpas is a bad post. Please refrain from calling people out.

Second, I'd like to apologize if I offended you in any way. I did not know of the personal exsperience you have shared and now I have learned more than I ever will in my school days.
You're an attention whore and not worth the effort it's taking me to write this post.

Doesn't feel very nice to be called an attention whore does it? Kindly take your delusions somewhere else. You had every intention of insulting people, and you have no excuse other than you're a prick. Goodbye.
You're an attention whore and not worth the effort it's taking me to write this post.

Doesn't feel very nice to be called an attention whore does it? Kindly take your delusions somewhere else. You had every intention of insulting people, and you have no excuse other than you're a prick. Goodbye.
Its good to know that Team9000 is harboring grumpy old men whos only intentions are to make people feel bad about themselves whenever they post anything. Im sorry this you're too neckbeardish to be a smart ass prick and too childish to stop being one. I had no intentions whatsoever and I hope that one day you'll stop being so mad at everything.

Edit: I hope you stop reply I to my posts. Youre wasting your breath and wasting my time.
Its good to know that Team9000 is harboring grumpy old men whos only intentions are to make people feel bad about themselves whenever they post anything. Im sorry this you're too neckbeardish to be a smart ass prick and too childish to stop being one. I had no intentions whatsoever and I hope that one day you'll stop being so mad at everything.

Edit: I hope you stop reply I to my posts. Youre wasting your breath and wasting my time.
At least I'm not too full of myself to pretend that I had no intention of insulting you. Now shoo.