TV Shows!

oh, 'venus' ... i was thinking Vera de Milo ... "wrote a song about it, wanna hear it? here goes!" :D

oh, the pain!

extra ouch right there (yeah... didn't have much of a choice in the 80s, and what we did have formed scar tissue)
The poor people that had to watch that Kids Incorperated show ;( My heart goes out to them.

And WHO the flip are the yellow bearded smurf, the baby girl smurf, and the flea ridden yokel smurf?!


protip, after you watch, go to 2:06

and the best video thats not related to the muppet show....but are members of the muppets
Ah, Good O' Red Green. One of my favorites.

Speaking of PBS

What happened to PBS? You used to show cook kids shows. Nowadays, I see this.

Is TV from 2010 going to be this weird when we watch it again in 20 years?

I've never heard of Adventures In Wonderland or the last one, but the rest are all classics. <3 Bill Nye and Reading Rainbow