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Two Year Anniversary


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I'm not much of one for sentiment, but I felt as though I should say something about my experience on Team9000. I have enjoyed an innumerable amount of hours on this site and with Team9000, and I must say thank you for being a very unique and accepting community. Personally, I never found it difficult to fit in. A passion for video games is always something that I have understood. Something I was never particularly good at was enjoying others, and having an optimistic attitude. What amazed me about this place was the acceptance of others no matter what they knew, or didn't know about that person. I've become just a little less of an introvert and been able to enjoy myself a bit more. It would be difficult to list all the wonderful or terrible experiences here, or all the great people I've met and enjoyed time with. So I will simply say thank you and have a very merry Christmas meatbags.