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Two Years and Something Else


Active Member
Honestly, I really don't have any words for this. I've been on T9K for 2 years today, and I think I've gotten to know everyone in that amount of time, and I've gotten to know how T9K is in that amount of time.

From the beginning of T9K, I've always been scared and nervous of what to say around you guys to make myself not sound like a complete idiot, but not to sound pretentious. But there's been people here and there that've just said "Hey, be yourself. We don't really care, and we'd love for you to spend time with us." And I guess that's mainly how I see T9K in the time I've been here. Groups of people here and there that spend time with each other and relax, while doing things they like. It if it's listening to music, watching videos, or playing games, you've always got people there to hang out with and talk to. And there's even some people that slowly become your best friends here, or in your life.

Although this doesn't come without some repercussions of what comes the first few times that people get to know you, and I learned that the hard way. There can be some bias with Age, Opinion, and how long you've been here. But that didn't happen too much to me on T9K, as I was accepted fairly well since I had a voucher from someone in real life I've met and become close friends with (Rev). I just wish I didn't see happen in situations, even though I know most of you joke about it and don't really care.

For those of you that have stuck around here and talked to me because you know me and you like talking to me, thank you so much. Really. I couldn't have really found a place here if it wasn't for you guys, and I hope we continue to hang out and do stupid crap together. <3 And for those of you that I've ever been mean to (which I don't really think I'm mean to anyone), or I've scared off, I apologize. I hope you can take this as a way to kind of get equal and feel better.

From the bottom of my heart, these two years have been an experience and a great privilege. I've gotten to know and talk to so many of you, and I've also had fun with all of you as well. Keep up being you, and stay awesome. Love you all.