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unban me

I banned you for griefing a wooden building. Also in-game i have seen you have been quite nasty to me and other players.

And you make a ban appeal saying (unban me). That reason gives no explanation for your actions.

Please tell me why you feel you should be unbanned and should have a second chance.
Okay... So let me get this straight. You thinking you were in main has to do with you griefing a floor?
That is not a very good reason to grief.

And I still don't know how thinking you are on main has anything to do with griefing a floor.

Please explain.
When i found the grief there was just about 20 blocks missing from a wooden floor. I do not see why you could not fix that. 20 blocks is not that big it would of been very easy to fix it. Since it was so small there was no reason to get someone to revert it... What i am saying is that you could of fixed it yourself (without revert).
Just say that you wont unban me then.

Edit: When I asked if someone can revert, why didnt csi say "I can" ?