Unofficial E3 favortism thread!


New Member
So guys, I dont think i have seen a thread on what YOUR favorite part of E3 is, so post your favorite part! Swag? Game? Company? Anything? What is it?

Right now im really digging Q?'s new game "Child Of Eden"
So guys, I dont think i have seen a thread on what YOUR favorite part of E3 is, so post your favorite part! Swag? Game? Company? Anything? What is it?

Right now im really digging Q?'s new game "Child Of Eden"
That game is amix of 3D and shooters having a baby ;)
Garden of Eden almost looks like a cross between beat hazard and the kinect. Although, it's hard to tell what the game type even is from that trailer... music? Motion shooter? Pirates vs. Ninjas? O_ O
It definitely looks like a followup to the hit "rail shooter" game Rez; seeing as how Eden is the name of the AI you're tasked with saving/protecting in Rez, this looks to be like a sequel, even if just in the spiritual sense.

Rez is awesome.

Im sure i would be a thousand times more excited for this if I had a PS3, but it still looks absolutly incredible. More games like this should be out! (Also bonus points for use of Sleepyhead by Passion Pit)

Main reason I want to get a PS3. Most of the cool customizable to the core games are on it. I really like those kind of games
I got a ps3 and LBP in preparation for the second one xD and so many other games coming out now... i still need to play all the old ones >_<
What did you guys think of Nintendo? and Valve? Portal two looks incredible, but apparently is PS3 exclusive (other then PC of course). Kirby Epic Yarn looks interesting and im excited about what it could turn out to be.
Also this:
I got a ps3 and LBP in preparation for the second one xD and so many other games coming out now... i still need to play all the old ones >_<

good good choice of purchase there sir. totally worth the price of a ps3 solely for LBP(pssst....thats pretty much what i did.)
Portal two looks incredible, but apparently is PS3 exclusive (other then PC of course).

Later on Doug Lombardi of Valve seemed to indicate that Portal 2 would come out for other platforms eventually, but not necessarily be supported by Steam in those cases; I can definitely say Steam isn't welcome on XBL, who insisted Valve charge for TF2 map packs and other things that PC players get for free.

However, I really must wonder with morbid fascination what went on behind the scenes to get Gabe Newell to go up on stage and do a complete 180 on Valve's former stance on PS3 development - we go from "almost too troublesome to bother" (not a quote) to "best version out there"?

I can't believe Sony dumped a truckload of cash their way - Sony's still paying off their console loan, aren't they?
good good choice of purchase there sir. totally worth the price of a ps3 solely for LBP(pssst....thats pretty much what i did.)

Speaking of which I might be getting a PS3 soon the summer camp I was going to go to had a deadline for about a week in advanced and my mom wanted to wait for taxes or something to come in and she'd pay for it and i'd give her the real money... never came in, money is mine, PS3 incoming. Same with LBP, Modnation racers, and if I got some money still Demon souls.
Later on Doug Lombardi of Valve seemed to indicate that Portal 2 would come out for other platforms eventually, but not necessarily be supported by Steam in those cases; I can definitely say Steam isn't welcome on XBL, who insisted Valve charge for TF2 map packs and other things that PC players get for free.

However, I really must wonder with morbid fascination what went on behind the scenes to get Gabe Newell to go up on stage and do a complete 180 on Valve's former stance on PS3 development - we go from "almost too troublesome to bother" (not a quote) to "best version out there"?

I can't believe Sony dumped a truckload of cash their way - Sony's still paying off their console loan, aren't they?

New Valve 360 releases should include support for custom maps (even if they have to be downloaded from server on every connect). Eat THAT dlc!