

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.I'm not trying to sound ultra drama queen but....am I really wanted in this community?I really just feel like i'm that guy who no one really cares about.I feel like that person that no one really knows about.I mean am I really wanted here?I'm starting to feel like no one would really give a flying ape shit if I left.Would it even effect the community at all?I'm not trying to sound like an attention whore or anything I just feel this way.
Team9000 is a growing community with open arms, of course you are wanted here. :thumbsup:

Take a step back, analyze things a bit less, disregard everything, acquire aesthetics.. Wait, what was the question again? :3.
Team9000 is a growing community with open arms, of course you are wanted here. :thumbsup:

Take a step back, analyze things a bit less, disregard everything, acquire aesthetics.. Wait, what was the question again? :3.
Thanks.But I kinda would want some other people to respond also.
I'll tell you one thing batteofomega, is that you are certainly not unwanted here, everyone has something to offer to the table, including you.
Have you attempted to become a part of the community? Put yourself out there and tried to make friends? If not, then no, no one would miss you. Come by the mumble, hang out, let people know who you are.