

Well-Known Member
I don't think I have anyone from Team9000 on Steam or anything, so if you would like to, post your usernames here! (I'm so very lonely on Steam.)
I'll put mine in too.

Steam: Zovator
PS3: Zovator
Xbox: None :confused:
Everything else imaginable: Zovator
not sure if you've added me, but here is mine:

steam: [t9k]shadowwolf

xbl: shadowwolf5552

(there also have been many threads like this, be prepared for people telling you, useless thread is useless)
Steam: VentedGlitchMaker or bbgunshot don't remember :p
Xbox: bbgunshot42 (don't have live atm)
Gametrailers: VentedGlitchMaker

Everything else... VentedGlitchMaker or bbgunshot usually...
Steam: [T9k] karmahurts
xbox: ant57v6 ,but my xbox is broke so I havn't been on in ages.
origin: karmahurts
team9000: karmahurts
twitchtv: karmahurts
runescape: icethunder57
I am just naming stuff now.
Xbox: ItsJustRubix
Ps3: Rubix___ <-- that's 3 _ if you can't tell
Steam: ItsJustRubix
Runescape: DeadWhispers
Skype: ItsJustRubix
Steam: [T9k]Ienjoywaffles
Runescape (quit): Big_dog8686
Minecraft: ienjoywaffles
Team9000: ienjoywaffles
Xbox live: Big_dog8686 or Bigdog8686 not sure if space or not.
Reality: I don't play that game.
When is it not?
High Five.png