Video Game Soundtracks/Music.

I used to be a big listener/collector of Game Soundtracks, I should start collecting and listening to them again...

This one sometimes makes me cry:
Ohhh man I forgot about the megaman music, also very very good. I <3 the brawl theme as well.
If I had to say 1, just 1 out of all..

It would be Cohen's Masterpiece, Calming yet Ecstatic.

Here are some other really good songs.
Portal 2 OST.

You can also download the ENTIRE OST, for free, here, legally, because Valve is awesome.

It's 3 volumes, and it's about 424 MB, but it's totally worth it.

I'll post more later, these are the ones I remembered

Rocket Jump - Quake 3 Arena

Level 8 - Unreal Tournament 2004
One of my favorites

Max Payne 2: Vladimir -The enemy, betrayal, the inner circle
Makes you want to defeat the bad guys

Half Life 2: Episode 2 - Sector Sweep

Simcity 4 Music - Floating Population
SimCity has always had amazing music

Ekstrak- Induction Kit for Need For Speed Carbon
Straight up badass

Age of Empires 2 Music 1
This brings back so many memories I'll just post it
I'll post more later, these are the ones I remembered

Rocket Jump - Quake 3 Arena

Level 8 - Unreal Tournament 2004
One of my favorites

Max Payne 2: Vladimir -The enemy, betrayal, the inner circle
Makes you want to defeat the bad guys

Half Life 2: Episode 2 - Sector Sweep

Simcity 4 Music - Floating Population
SimCity has always had amazing music

Ekstrak- Induction Kit for Need For Speed Carbon
Straight up badass

Age of Empires 2 Music 1
This brings back so many memories I'll just post it

That unreal tournament song just felt like a warm slap of concentrated nostalgia. The second fps I had ever played and one of the greatest ever for sure.
The same song as me. Skyrim has such beautiful and amazing music. <3
Yep. Also, I was looking for another soundtrack that sounded very similar to it that often plays in Whiterun, I couldn't find it before but looks like I got it now :D
