Video Game Soundtracks/Music.

Gee, what a surprise...more Metroid from me! Here, have the three Bounty Hunters from Prime 3. Some intense battle music goin' on here.
Rundas...I cry evertim
I found that ever since I got interested in Touhou and started playing the games, I loved the music of it (and not the remixes, the actual original compositions by ZUN himself).

Here are some of my favorites (listed in order of most liked):






They're all boss themes, but they still sound great.
Ah, the Prismrivers. One of the best themes, but reserved for only a stage 4 boss and later subject to mild obscurity as less popular characters. A shame.

What else is a shame is that you forgot the best one:

What else, else, is a shame is that you're posting these themes without even playing through the whole game yet!

And hands down, the best boss theme in the game:
Bet you can't guess what my favorite region is.

Ah, the Prismrivers. One of the best themes, but reserved for only a stage 4 boss and later subject to mild obscurity as less popular characters. A shame.

What else is a shame is that you forgot the best one:

What else, else, is a shame is that you're posting these themes without even playing through the whole game yet!

And hands down, the best boss theme in the game:
God.... damnit.... Stop... making.... me... want.... to... play... this... again...
sorry for the revival (not really) but I just got this song stuck in my head. I present you with the 25th anniversary of the legend of zelda main theme

My biggest problem with NetherRealm Studios games is that they make their music too quiet so you can't hear it in game, but it's always SO GOOD!

(Note: The only one that was of any decent quality was the 30 minute extended version, which is why I posted an extended version)