Vorsprung's Borderlands 2 Discussion


Well-Known Member
First step, read my blog, it's good, it's a primer.
I'm going to get into more detail here.
I'll add stuff when I feel like it; no pressure.

To start with, I'll talk about weapon rarity.

Items in Borderlands 2 have different rarities, from white to cyan. The rarity of the gun affects the colouring and the overall stats of the weapon, as well as traits, in some instances.

The rarity scale goes like this:

Rare / Unique
Very Rare

*: Seraph and Pearlescent require DLC

Basically, you'll find white guns all the time, and you'll almost never find oranges.

Similarly, when you have a white gun and a green gun of the same brand, type and level, the green gun will invariably be better.

You see how it works. You can sell blues for more than you can sell a green for, and purples are more likely to have desirable traits (more on that later).

Some blue-rarity guns are called Unique guns because they have an additional line of "redtext" under the weapon description on their weapon card. Unique guns are typically given as rewards for quests or as rare drops. Unique guns have attributes which aren't always immediately apparent, and often have unique colouring schemes or bodies. Here's a unique gun:

As you can see, it has a unique name; "Stinkpot" - and it has "redtext." It also has a unique skin.
Stinkpot's unique attribute, quite glaringly, is that it is a Jakobs weapon with an element - something which doesn't normally occur. Its bullets also bounce off surfaces and have a large AoE (area of effect).

E-Tech weapons have been created using alien technology and thus work completely differently to other guns. They look like purple guns of the same type, just with a different barrel. Here's an E-Tech weapon:

Notice how the barrel of the gun triangular fins. These extend out when the gun fires.

Blasters fire bolts of energy that, like all other E-tech weapons, deal additional elemental damage but cost 2 ammo per shot. They have lower muzzle velocity than standard weapons of the same type. Furthermore, Dahl E-Tech assault rifles fire straight ahead and at roughly 30 degrees to either side. Unscoped fire alternates between the three angles, while scoped fire fires all three at once for every shot and still fires in bursts. So really, 9 bullets at the cost of 2 ammo.

Legendary weapons are incredibly rare. You'd be lucky to get one or two in a playthrough. They're generally very powerful and have "redtext" like unique weapons do. (They're basically very powerful Uniques.) Legendaries can be dropped from any loot source, but every Legendary has a particular enemy which it's more likely to drop from.
Typically, there's one Legendary for every type of weapon a manufacturer makes. For example, there's one Legendary Tediore pistol, one Legendary Maliwan sniper rifle, etc.
Here's one:

Nukem is the Legendary Torgue rocket launcher, and as you've probably guessed, it references Duke Nukem. Redtext = rockets fire in an arc and explode in a mushroom cloud upon detonation, but extremely slow reload speed and double ammo consumption. It has the largest splash damage out of any weapon in the game, and is probably the most powerful weapon in the game.

Seraph weapons can only be obtained in the DLC campaigns, as the only way they're obtained is through killing Seraph Guardians (who only appear in the DLCs) or by finding Seraph Crystals and selling them to vendors (only found in the DLCs).

Seraph weapons are somewhat between Legendaries and Uniques. They're powerful guns but often come with a downside. It's a tradeoff - the vendors are always there, so you know you can always get a Seraph, but often Legendaries or Pearlescents are better.
Here's an example:

Lead Storm's redtext makes it fire flared, slow-arcing bullets, which split into 3 projectiles during travel and gives it an enhanced fire rate and magazine size. It sounds good on paper, but the arcing nature of the bullets can be a severe disadvantage, hampering accuracy and range.

These are the rarest guns in the game, even rarer than Legendaries. There's only eight of them, one for each brand, and you can only find them above level 50... Which means buying the level pack DLC. Oh, and they're only found in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode; which is the hardest mode in the game... Good luck.

This is the Maliwan Pearlescent:

Look at this motherfucker. Storm is a weird gun. It has decreased projectile damage, but increased elemental effect damage, accuracy and capacity. On bullet impact, 6 or 7 short lived orbs of electricity are created, which shock any enemy in their vicinity until they dissipate. It's not designed to be a "one-shot-one-kill" weapon but rather a tactical shield destroyer. It's still very powerful.


More to come! Watch this space!
First step, read my blog, it's good, it's a primer.
I'm going to get into more detail here.
I'll add stuff when I feel like it; no pressure.

To start with, I'll talk about weapon rarity.

Items in Borderlands 2 have different rarities, from white to cyan. The rarity of the gun affects the colouring and the overall stats of the weapon, as well as traits, in some instances.

The rarity scale goes like this:

Rare / Unique
Very Rare

*: Seraph and Pearlescent require DLC

Basically, you'll find white guns all the time, and you'll almost never find oranges.

Similarly, when you have a white gun and a green gun of the same brand, type and level, the green gun will invariably be better.

You see how it works. You can sell blues for more than you can sell a green for, and purples are more likely to have desirable traits (more on that later).

Some blue-rarity guns are called Unique guns because they have an additional line of "redtext" under the weapon description on their weapon card. Unique guns are typically given as rewards for quests or as rare drops. Unique guns have attributes which aren't always immediately apparent, and often have unique colouring schemes or bodies. Here's a unique gun:

As you can see, it has a unique name; "Stinkpot" - and it has "redtext." It also has a unique skin.
Stinkpot's unique attribute, quite glaringly, is that it is a Jakobs weapon with an element - something which doesn't normally occur. Its bullets also bounce off surfaces and have a large AoE (area of effect).

E-Tech weapons have been created using alien technology and thus work completely differently to other guns. They look like purple guns of the same type, just with a different barrel. Here's an E-Tech weapon:

Notice how the barrel of the gun triangular fins. These extend out when the gun fires.

Blasters fire bolts of energy that, like all other E-tech weapons, deal additional elemental damage but cost 2 ammo per shot. They have lower muzzle velocity than standard weapons of the same type. Furthermore, Dahl E-Tech assault rifles fire straight ahead and at roughly 30 degrees to either side. Unscoped fire alternates between the three angles, while scoped fire fires all three at once for every shot and still fires in bursts. So really, 9 bullets at the cost of 2 ammo.

Legendary weapons are incredibly rare. You'd be lucky to get one or two in a playthrough. They're generally very powerful and have "redtext" like unique weapons do. (They're basically very powerful Uniques.) Legendaries can be dropped from any loot source, but every Legendary has a particular enemy which it's more likely to drop from.
Typically, there's one Legendary for every type of weapon a manufacturer makes. For example, there's one Legendary Tediore pistol, one Legendary Maliwan sniper rifle, etc.
Here's one:

Nukem is the Legendary Torgue rocket launcher, and as you've probably guessed, it references Duke Nukem. Redtext = rockets fire in an arc and explode in a mushroom cloud upon detonation, but extremely slow reload speed and double ammo consumption. It has the largest splash damage out of any weapon in the game, and is probably the most powerful weapon in the game.

Seraph weapons can only be obtained in the DLC campaigns, as the only way they're obtained is through killing Seraph Guardians (who only appear in the DLCs) or by finding Seraph Crystals and selling them to vendors (only found in the DLCs).

Seraph weapons are somewhat between Legendaries and Uniques. They're powerful guns but often come with a downside. It's a tradeoff - the vendors are always there, so you know you can always get a Seraph, but often Legendaries or Pearlescents are better.
Here's an example:

Lead Storm's redtext makes it fire flared, slow-arcing bullets, which split into 3 projectiles during travel and gives it an enhanced fire rate and magazine size. It sounds good on paper, but the arcing nature of the bullets can be a severe disadvantage, hampering accuracy and range.

These are the rarest guns in the game, even rarer than Legendaries. There's only eight of them, one for each brand, and you can only find them above level 50... Which means buying the level pack DLC. Oh, and they're only found in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode; which is the hardest mode in the game... Good luck.

This is the Maliwan Pearlescent:

Look at this motherfucker. Storm is a weird gun. It has decreased projectile damage, but increased elemental effect damage, accuracy and capacity. On bullet impact, 6 or 7 short lived orbs of electricity are created, which shock any enemy in their vicinity until they dissipate. It's not designed to be a "one-shot-one-kill" weapon but rather a tactical shield destroyer. It's still very powerful.


More to come! Watch this space!
Barking Storm is possibly the best primary weapon in BL2. If you have a decent sidearm, you've just eliminated shields and weakened them, and now you're gonna kill 'em. It can make for a hefty one-two punch that most people don't expect. Unlike people who rely solely on their primary and hope they don't run out of ammo, you have a better chance with an AoE weapon that doesn't quite eliminate the opponent, and then finishing them off with a few rounds from a sidearm.
Barking Storm is possibly the best primary weapon in BL2. If you have a decent sidearm, you've just eliminated shields and weakened them, and now you're gonna kill 'em. It can make for a hefty one-two punch that most people don't expect. Unlike people who rely solely on their primary and hope they don't run out of ammo, you have a better chance with an AoE weapon that doesn't quite eliminate the opponent, and then finishing them off with a few rounds from a sidearm.
I disagree, actually,

For one, there's no such thing as "primary weapon", more like "you're going to use a pistol and a SMG more than other types of weapons because ammo is cheaper and easier to find".

Also most enemies don't have shields. Most enemies you face are loaders, who are rarely shielded. While shock damage is moderately effective against armour, you're better off equipping something more all-around.

I'd instead argue that the best primary, or non-sidearm or otherwise weapon, is probably Baby Maker.

Baby Maker does high damage and has the fastest reload out of any weapon in the game. It's also like having free MIRVs; it's a great panic button. You can shred most enemies with a full-clip reload (firing one bullet then reloading).

I'd say the best sidearm is a Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold. It's insanely powerful and you can hipfire for days.

I don't like any of the sniper rifles particularly - IMO, Jakobs is the only logical choice for a sniper, and Skullmasher is a bit disappointing. Hawk Eye is okay.
I disagree, actually,

For one, there's no such thing as "primary weapon", more like "you're going to use a pistol and a SMG more than other types of weapons because ammo is cheaper and easier to find".

Also most enemies don't have shields. Most enemies you face are loaders, who are rarely shielded. While shock damage is moderately effective against armour, you're better off equipping something more all-around.

I'd instead argue that the best primary, or non-sidearm or otherwise weapon, is probably Baby Maker.

Baby Maker does high damage and has the fastest reload out of any weapon in the game. It's also like having free MIRVs; it's a great panic button. You can shred most enemies with a full-clip reload (firing one bullet then reloading).

I'd say the best sidearm is a Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold. It's insanely powerful and you can hipfire for days.

I don't like any of the sniper rifles particularly - IMO, Jakobs is the only logical choice for a sniper, and Skullmasher is a bit disappointing. Hawk Eye is okay.
When I say sidearm, I mean the weapon you use second. I usually choose an explosive weapon or fire weapon for my sidearm. Of course, with further weapon slots, you can add multiple weapons as your sidearms, allowing you to be able to adjust for any situation.
When I say sidearm, I mean the weapon you use second. I usually choose an explosive weapon or fire weapon for my sidearm. Of course, with further weapon slots, you can add multiple weapons as your sidearms, allowing you to be able to adjust for any situation.
Torgue weapons are good for everything.
Torgue, Jakobs, Hyperion - all you neeeeeeed.
I've played the hell out of this game for the 360 version, like 12 full play-throughs, and the weapon that got me through it without having any struggle would be The Bitch. That wonderful little red SMG that can hipfire full auto across the map into the tiny eyepiece of a constructor bot without fail and has 50+ shots in a mag. Absolute best gun to get you through any play-through, including Ultimate Vault Hunter.

But it isn't the best SMG for sheer damage output... This is highly debated between 2 guns.

As Vorsprung stated: The Baby Maker
And my choice: The Sand Hawk

A Legendary vs. a Unique that is gotten from the Captain Scarlett DLC.
I've played the hell out of this game for the 360 version, like 12 full play-throughs, and the weapon that got me through it without having any struggle would be The Bitch. That wonderful little red SMG that can hipfire full auto across the map into the tiny eyepiece of a constructor bot without fail and has 50+ shots in a mag. Absolute best gun to get you through any play-through, including Ultimate Vault Hunter.

But it isn't the best SMG for sheer damage output... This is highly debated between 2 guns.

As Vorsprung stated: The Baby Maker
And my choice: The Sand Hawk

A Legendary vs. a Unique that is gotten from the Captain Scarlett DLC.
The Bitch is an amazing gun, and it's my favourite SMG. The Baby Maker may be good, but The Bitch is just amazing.

The Sand Hawk has the capacity to deal a massive amount of damage but I personally find it irritating - I'm not a huge fan of Dahl SMGs. Still, to each his own.

I forgot to mention: the Avenger is also a suitable competitor for best SMG in the game.

Where the Baby Maker has a MIRV reload, the Avenger's reloaded projectile bounces around on the ground firing full-auto. Wielding the Avenger also makes you regenerate ammo, making the gun a really useful tool.

You can't use the Avenger's reload as a "panic button" like the Baby Maker, but it still deals a lot of damage, and the Avenger typically has better stats.

Again, it's about personal preference.
Hey Vorsprung, are the DLC's any good for Boderlands 2? I'm going to upgrade my Xbox to 320 gigs soon because I have the 4 gig Xbox slim ;o . I still haven't got the chance to play to DLC's for the first one but TEH ZOMBIE ISLAND OF DOCTA NED t9k should have a Borderlands run with Borderlands 2 *Idea mentioned in another thread*
Hey Vorsprung, are the DLC's any good for Boderlands 2? I'm going to upgrade my Xbox to 320 gigs soon because I have the 4 gig Xbox slim ;o . I still haven't got the chance to play to DLC's for the first one but TEH ZOMBIE ISLAND OF DOCTA NED t9k should have a Borderlands run with Borderlands 2 *Idea mentioned in another thread*
The DLCs are good; they really give you much more game time and let you experiment more with your character style.

I'll just briefly run over them; I might go into further detail on DLCs later down the track:

Great for getting them Seraph weapons. Really, the pirate DLC is all about new loot (most of the DLC are so yeah).
You can get guns like Stinkpot (elemental Jakobs), or cursed weapons (Uniques that have really good redtext but also come with pretty negative "curses".)

Realistically, though, you get lots of boss fights and easy access to Legendaries and good loot (Torgue vendors, anyone?). It's also just a lot of fun. The dialogue is great, the music is great, and EXPLOSIONS

Probably the most canonical of the DLC and thus quite enriching storyline-wise. Like the pirate DLC, you get another vehicle type, and you get a lot of loot... Again. Look, if you like Jakobs and moustaches get this DLC

This is the biggest of all the DLCs and also the hardest. I haven't played through it yet, but it's very funny. You'll love how Tina deals with the different personalities of Pandora and how they fit into her game. That, and loot.

Worth getting because it gives you more play value and gives you access to Pearlescents. What more can I say? Complements the other DLCs well, as you get more time to explore them and level up. Adds a real level of challenge to the game, too. TTAoDK in UVHM is OMGWTFBBQ.

Finally, I'd recommend you get BL2 on PC. I know you probably don't want to shell out even more money, but the Summer Sale at the moment means BL2 is cheap. The advantage of PC is that you can have easy access to all the lovely people on T9K who can play with you, and give you good loot.

Seriously guys, if you join my game I can always spare some loot.
Seriously guys, if you join my game I can always spare some loot.
I would, except I'm a bit low of a level... only 23 so far on PC... But I've been speedrunning the campaign (Because I've done it a gazillion times and its annoying now) so I'm a lvl 23 at Arid Nexus Boneyard against majorly over-levelled enemies xD
I would, except I'm a bit low of a level... only 23 so far on PC... But I've been speedrunning the campaign (Because I've done it a gazillion times and its annoying now) so I'm a lvl 23 at Arid Nexus Boneyard against majorly over-levelled enemies xD
I've got a Level 51 and a Level 28 character so chances are I have some Level 23 loot ;)
The DLCs are good; they really give you much more game time and let you experiment more with your character style.

I'll just briefly run over them; I might go into further detail on DLCs later down the track:

Great for getting them Seraph weapons. Really, the pirate DLC is all about new loot (most of the DLC are so yeah).
You can get guns like Stinkpot (elemental Jakobs), or cursed weapons (Uniques that have really good redtext but also come with pretty negative "curses".)

Realistically, though, you get lots of boss fights and easy access to Legendaries and good loot (Torgue vendors, anyone?). It's also just a lot of fun. The dialogue is great, the music is great, and EXPLOSIONS

Probably the most canonical of the DLC and thus quite enriching storyline-wise. Like the pirate DLC, you get another vehicle type, and you get a lot of loot... Again. Look, if you like Jakobs and moustaches get this DLC

This is the biggest of all the DLCs and also the hardest. I haven't played through it yet, but it's very funny. You'll love how Tina deals with the different personalities of Pandora and how they fit into her game. That, and loot.

Worth getting because it gives you more play value and gives you access to Pearlescents. What more can I say? Complements the other DLCs well, as you get more time to explore them and level up. Adds a real level of challenge to the game, too. TTAoDK in UVHM is OMGWTFBBQ.

Finally, I'd recommend you get BL2 on PC. I know you probably don't want to shell out even more money, but the Summer Sale at the moment means BL2 is cheap. The advantage of PC is that you can have easy access to all the lovely people on T9K who can play with you, and give you good loot.

Seriously guys, if you join my game I can always spare some loot.

I've bought 5 Steam games since the summer sale and I love them, got Killing Floor, Half Life 2, The Ship, Borderlands GOTY, LFD2, and since you suggested to buy Borderlands 2 I shall buy <3 with the DLC's, it's a good deal too, I haven't really played with anyone from t9k except Tolstar :D, I really wish to finish the first game with all DLC's then play they second one, still gonna buy it though, would you mind doing a run in Borderlands? It's ok of no, it would be great if we had a game night for Borderlands so we can get to know eachother and play :D feel free to add me dolphinsdream I also enjoy PC gaming more the console gaming, but you know it's good to get away from the computer every here and there.
I've bought 5 Steam games since the summer sale and I love them, got Killing Floor, Half Life 2, The Ship, Borderlands GOTY, LFD2, and since you suggested to buy Borderlands 2 I shall buy <3 with the DLC's, it's a good deal too, I haven't really played with anyone from t9k except Tolstar :D, I really wish to finish the first game with all DLC's then play they second one, still gonna buy it though, would you mind doing a run in Borderlands? It's ok of no, it would be great if we had a game night for Borderlands so we can get to know eachother and play :D feel free to add me dolphinsdream I also enjoy PC gaming more the console gaming, but you know it's good to get away from the computer every here and there.
On another note, those are all very good purchases.
So yeah, I currently have a Level 28 and a Level 51 character but if there's a run to be had I'd be happy to join in.
A game night wouldn't be a bad idea.
On another note, those are all very good purchases.
So yeah, I currently have a Level 28 and a Level 51 character but if there's a run to be had I'd be happy to join in.
A game night wouldn't be a bad idea.

Ok I was curious so I saw how much money I saved from my summer purchases on Steam.
This is great <3 and since I'm a low level, we can make a new toon so you can show me the ropes, I'm only like lvl 5 or something, I'm higher on my Xbox Live, but I'm focusing on Borderlands within Steam.
I bought something like 25 games this year. So far. Which is eight times as much as I previously purchased from steam in all of forever.