Vorsprung's Borderlands 2 Discussion

I bought the game last week and the DLC. I've yet to install the game and try to play it, but I intend to do that sometime this weekend. I can play BL on my PC without much issue, so hopefully BL2 will be the same.
I bought the game last week and the DLC. I've yet to install the game and try to play it, but I intend to do that sometime this weekend. I can play BL on my PC without much issue, so hopefully BL2 will be the same.
My laptop can /just/ run it.

Considering it can just barely run Age of Mythology, you should be fine for the most part.
I think between me and my brother we have roughly 83 hours logged in the last 2 weeks. I must say, siren is an interesting class. I'm presently level 33 and just got to the eridium blight on first playthrough.
I think between me and my brother we have roughly 83 hours logged in the last 2 weeks. I must say, siren is an interesting class. I'm presently level 33 and just got to the eridium blight on first playthrough.
Siren is a shitty Medic who's only good for reviving the Commandos who are doing all the real work


Krieg has the shiniest meat bicycle
Alright let's get this back on track
I'm going to talk about something that I totally didn't preprepare
Tediore pistols are best :D

Yeah I've been waiting to pull this out of the bag just to spite Magic. Fuck you man ahah


I've already covered it in the blog post, so I'll just summarize: Tediore weapons feature fast reload speeds, and you throw the gun away as an explosive upon reload. Which is awesome. I think that it's one of the most unique ideas for guns in any game.

Tediore pistols are a reasonable choice, all things considered. They generally have a small clip and a slow firing speed, but they're otherwise reliable and have the easiest reload to master - the thrown projectile is easily predicted. Look for Tediore pistols without sights - they typically have a bit of recoil so having just iron sights is actually a plus; not to mention it'll be easier for you to judge where your reload-bomb will be going.

Tediore E-Tech pistols work the same way as normal Tediore pistols except for the bullet type. You still throw the gun away, and you still shoot at shit. Tediore Spikers fire projectiles which stick into enemies or surfaces before detonating, and Tediore Darts (like the one below) fire homing projectiles that explode after a short delay.

The Legendary Tediore pistol is called "Gunerang". When it's reloaded, the projectile homes in on enemies! If there's no enemies around, however, the projectile will fly out and then come back to you...
Like a boomerang. Mate. It's a good gun to have in a pinch.

Tediore SMGs are a good choice. They have high fire rates, reasonable stats, and of course, a quick reload speed. Tediore SMGs can deal a massive amount of damage on reload because you can leave more bullets in a clip. It's sometimes more useful to use SMGs like a "panic button", throwing lots and lots of reload-grenades to survive. Once again, it's best to get one without a sight, or perhaps the low-zoom Hyperion sight.

Tediore E-Tech SMGs are called 'Plasma Casters'. They're also unsurprising and are considered a sub-par choice compared to other E-Tech SMGs. They fire slow-moving energy balls which have a large AoE.

The Legendary Tediore SMG is called "Baby Maker", and it's perhaps the best weapon in the game. Which is a big call. Baby Maker, when reloaded, has an MIRV effect, producing multiple projectiles. It also has great stats, like all Legendaries, and can achieve the fastest reload speed in the game. Not bad.

Tediore shotguns are iffy; that's the best word. They have a particularly slow firing rate and lack the special effects that other shotgun manufacturers have. Shotgun reloads are unpredictable and travel only a short distance. However, elemental Tediore shotguns can be surprisingly damaging. Look for ones that have a long handle on the stock; these guns have a high pellet count. (I'll talk about weapon parts and prefixes in another post I guess).

Tediore E-Tech shotguns are called 'Splatguns'. Rather than firing shotgun pellets, they fire a single ball of goop which has a variable trajectory. Tediore Splatguns, when reloaded, have an MIRV effect, throwing two or more reload-projectiles! This can be very useful. However, Bandit E-Tech shotguns are the premium choice.

The Legendary Tediore shotgun is called "Deliverance" and it references Studio Ghibli so that's nice. It works very similarly to Gunerang in that when reloaded it homes in on enemies. The difference between Gunerang and Deliverance is that Deliverance's projectile keeps shooting as it homes in on foes. Which is pretty OP.
But it's a very rare gun.

Tediore rocket launchers typically do less damage than other types of launchers, but have a fast reload speed and unique attributes. Upon reloading a Tediore launcher, rather than just simply throwing the gun away like other weapon types, you actually prime the gun and throw the gun as a rocket. It's like having another rocket in the clip, and it's pretty cool (and risky). However, free rockets or not, they don't match the damage output of, say, Torgue or Bandit launchers, and thus are a sub-par choice.

E-Tech rocket launchers are very rare, Tediore ones in particular. Tediore launchers fire a slow moving sphere and its explosions cause enemies to be encapsulated by a big blue sphere. Enemies then give this effect off to other nearby enemies, meaning you have an absolutely huge AoE. Tediore E-Tech launchers function very differently to normal launchers but reap rewards. The effect also ignores terrain and cover!

The Legendary Tediore rocket launcher is called "Bunny". When reloaded it drops out active grenades at random while bouncing like a rabbit leaping. It lacks firepower compared to other rocket launchers but has a particularly damaging reload. It's a tradeoff, I guess.

Tediore's gimmick is that they make cheap and disposable things. Tediore shields are really boring in that they don't do anything special - they're just shields. The first shield you'll get in the game will be a Tediore, and hopefully the last won't be a Tediore. Tediore shields typically have a low capacity and no traits to speak of. Higher rarity Tediore shields, however, have incredibly high recharge rates - sometimes up to double the capacity of the shield - meaning that while you can't take a lot of initial damage with 'em, your shields will be back up in no time.

The Legendary Tediore shield is called "The Cradle". Following the trend of disposable gear, The Cradle is a disposable shield; when it's fully depleted, it is thrown away and it explodes. So you get a really good shield that also does BIG BOOMS. Even big kids like big booms.

Tediore grenades are also very boring. They look like boxes and they don't do anything special - they just make a regular explosion. They can be found in any element, and can have any number of fancy attachments. Higher rarity Tediore grenades tend to have abnormally short fuses and big explosion radii, which is quite desirable, but compared to other grenades they're pretty plain.

The Legendary Tediore grenade mod is called "Fastball" and it goes fast and it's not a ball. It's a weird grenade - it has no fuse time and a tiny blast radius but greatly increased damage and travel speed - it travels like a baseball. You have to use it differently to other grenades - rather than clearing out big areas of enemies, you instead use it to concentrate a huge amount of damage to one enemy.


Tediore weapons are pretty reliable. Tediore equipment doesn't carry any special functional effects. Their guns may not be as accurate as Hyperion guns - their shields not as combat-useful as Anshin's - their grenades not as devastating as Torgue ones - but their reload speeds are always good, and they can be depended upon to deal good damage, and to make EXTRA EXPLOSIONS. And explosions are the most important thing.