Watashi Iwase Kenzo - kun :)

Ohai thar.
I'm CaptainGinyu.
You can enjoy Team 9000, it's ok.
Welcome to the forums.
(Sidenote: Now you're thinking with Japanese.)
i cannot enjoy Team 9000 with my rank just a builder. its about 1 week i waiting admin to rank me up, i already posted my build on promote application ! (x-_-) sigh* no one see my build and rank me. i already posted 3 build on promote application ! why admin not review it?
i cannot enjoy Team 9000 with my rank just a builder. its about 1 week i waiting admin to rank me up, i already posted my build on promote application ! (x-_-) sigh* no one see my build and rank me. i already posted 3 build on promote application ! why admin not review it?
i cannot enjoy Team 9000 with my rank just a builder. its about 1 week i waiting admin to rank me up, i already posted my build on promote application ! (x-_-) sigh* no one see my build and rank me. i already posted 3 build on promote application ! why admin not review it?

The reviewers are slow. They don't get paid :P
IwaseKen said:
i cannot enjoy Team 9000 with my rank just a builder. its about 1 week i waiting admin to rank me up, i already posted my build on promote application ! (x-_-) sigh* no one see my build and rank me. i already posted 3 build on promote application ! why admin not review it?

Um ken, you don't rank up to engi by building, but by being trusted by the community. :)
Yay! Now I know that there's two people of my ethnicity in the T9K community. Good to see you Ken-kun. I hope you enjoy the server.
よろしくね :D
Ohai Ken. I'm daredevil71789, and I usually go by Dare or Dare the Koala. I am builder rank on minecraft classic and I am very active on the T9K MC Classic server. I am the most senior builder rank on the server (senior meaning my join date of September 12, 2010, which was 1 week after the server went public.) Have fun and enjoy the community! -Dare
Ohai Ken. I'm daredevil71789, and I usually go by Dare or Dare the Koala. I am builder rank on minecraft classic and I am very active on the T9K MC Classic server. I am the most senior builder rank on the server (senior meaning my join date of September 12, 2010, which was 1 week after the server went public.) Have fun and enjoy the community! -Dare
Why are you still builder then? O.o