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We seriously need some Awesome+ ranks on classic right now


Active Member
i hate making threads like this, but i think that it has come to a point on classic that we really need some people who can ban right now on classic.

here is an example of what is going on:

And this:
ya and I have a BIG grief on a house me and darious and marius is making. It is practicly GONE... please help/
theres this and many more there is 1 engi on wish i could help :/ hopefully a awesome+ comes soon


  • greif.PNG
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This is what the two builds i took screenshots of looked like after the damage of the griefers was reverted:

No problem helping out guys, if the situation ever gets so to say 'out of hand' or needs immediate attention like how there was 170 people on with multiple incidents going on always feel free to let the lads know that some TLC is needed on Classic either through threads like this or informing us on mumble (which was done in this incidence.) Again great work all around ladies and gents :).