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Active Member
Why is this title called welp?

Because I think I'm done on Team9000. No I didn't think long and hard about this and I do kinda want to return one day, but best to leave it as is. Since also technically forums wise not finding t9k wise is 2 years for me..So I could put it into Starting on T9K, how I came through on it, and how I think I'm going to end it.

So One day after watching every single Minecraft video that UberHaxorNova posted on Youtube, I decided to try out the game for myself, Of course the damned thing costed money so I went over into Classic. This was June 23, 2012. I had no idea what servers were since well after leaving my private school and going into public, I was lonely. First server boom on the list, Team9000. Lag, everyone's yelling, I cant fucking move, people are getting banned left and right, It was chaos. So I left and decided to join the next day. It worked better this time, I met people, I met some ash ketchum skin guy, I later met crazyhippy23 (Miguel? This is your reference, Let's see if you can remember this one), Yes met Top_Of_The_World AKA Miguel, times were cool and fun they all of a sudden one day, July 17, 2012. I got banned by Wooty aka Sonic aka The. Owner. For trolling, yet the guy was a griefer but I went over uberpissed and flipped shit. I got unbanned somehow. Pretty sure it was Squeebz. "Be more careful, you're lucky this time"..3 days later, banned again. Really? banned Twice?.....FIXING Grief on a Csi head...funny Csi was on too, told him I liked him alot, then boom ban, Called for Csi for help, No help. Nice. But its not over, what's that banned AGAIN? 3 TIMES IN A WEEK IS THAT POSSIBLE?! IS IT!?! Lameducks. You just could not see the road in the shark's mouth...for some reason I feel like everytime I see lame, its like a standoff. You banned me for a reason unknown.But I also look up to lame and see that's the guy who banned me once.

So 3 bans? Not too bad. Before I was banned I was ranked cool for building a skeleton, A Skeleton that Casham liked. Lost the promotion because the bans, I regret that day flipping shit, fixing grief, and was completely Innocent. so I was on basically Probation for a. long. time...Casey eventually gave me my rank back, Took me 1000 years and I was ranked builder for building the Boss mobs. I could have gotten 4 bans but not returned since I guess I was throwing out threats at people. I was pretty bad....I needed work which T9K after the bans, after the threats, Watching Armadil get banned alive by ConroD, and watching that Mighty guy go to Builder, to Engineer, then Awesome. as well as watching other people move up ranks, Csi, Alyyiah, Sasquatch, even Jiga. I've done some things there, Wilson the Dirt block, Damashki trapping me in his damn maze, Catching Those griefers, YELLING FOR GRIEF HERE, somewhere I remember tbarius did something, wishing Happy birthday to ConroD, later being muted for 10 minutes, Spammed the hell out of "We buy any cars", spamming the hell out of /roll, Getting kicked for stupid ass reasons, and the Grief traps, the fun watching the griefers fall for a trap. So I could say who my friends were and who I remembered the most but you know what? We aren't done yet. That's right you have to read more.

Now possibly what made me have the most fun on T9K was the community servers. WHAT IT WAS THE LTS MAPS one would say. I never played on them. The ones I got to play were Theo's and not to Forget the old dead Reunion originally first one, and Crabbie's AOTBT. Fun things at Theo's for me was being murdered in an arena by Nobler 100 times, That pyramid place with the mobs and Theo spawning in bosses and Withers, Not to forget stealing his horse which he caught me and sent me sky high with his horse on a lead, Being generous and giving Beese a starting kit, getting jumped by Wither Skeletons, raiding every village I came in contact with, it was great. Even the new map, Killing people, annoying villagers, and the amount of Times sniping BoyHimas and Vesh. Fun it was, "Played one day on old Reunion", and at Crabbie's, GOING TO THE MOON AND FORGETTING TO BRING BASICALLY OXYGEN AND TO LIVE THERE. Oh and the Hulk, I'll leave it as that.

So here's the thing with the friends now, there's too fucking many. If I'm remembering all of the t9k people I met and liked that person because they were helpful, they were awesome, they were sometimes a dick. Well too many, Too goddamn many. But if I really have too because some people think he really didn't mean it, List of Assholes, Friends, Helpfuls, and Plain weirdos(Keep in mind, list of the names, so if your on here and wondering how you're on. Names): Tai_K, Clawfulkitty, Nikki, BabyBacon, Rai, Cherb, Stringboyz, crazyhippy, Miguel, Jiga, bengalclaw, Gia, Csi, Mighty, Hecticrapidz, twisted_intent, jslam, damashki, Kris, ChrisRo, Vesh[You are every single one on the list], BoyHimas, Dos, Mountainboy, Crabbie, Gurw, Theo, LAMEDUCKS, MCfar, Dagamer, Camevil, EKGladiator, DarkPrime, Danlokar, ImLife, Jaywalker, Bothan, tbarius, tshin, Lukeperson, metalgtr, primagen, Incog, thee_pro, Uni, Squishy, thehungergames, Rebox, Io_Reign, allimon, Seniortruffles, and other people..basically as I said too many. Its hard for me to remember all these people.

SO had fun reading? Now the sad part, I'm leaving, I might come back but honestly, there's nothing for me to do, I lost inspiration for building, think everyone hates me, and I feel like sometimes I'm just not welcomed. So I'm gone out the door, Even if the Community Reboot came back, I feel like nobody cares I'm a person there, I feel left out. But I will never forget T9K, It changed me as a person.

Looking back to make sure nobody would bitch about a spelling error, I smile and actually tear up because all the fun I had here, but taking a walk out is something I need, so I can get on the long road ahead. Also if you really want to contact me, I tend to take a swift look on Facebook {JJ Miller}. <--- Hint.

So goodbye..

P.S. IDGAF about spelling errors.
I'm sorry to hear that you feel some disconnection between Team9000. We may not be the best of people with the greatest advice but dude, we go all in this together. Once a member, always a member. So never feel you've ever been left out. Especially in a Community that's been as welcoming as this one :)

Anyways, some honorable memories you had experienced for yourself, and I'm glad I experienced some of them with you. Wherever you may go, we'll always be here for the door to open to you. And likely, you'll be back :sneaky:

Good luck out there my friend :)
With the people who joined in late 2012 and early 2013, it does seem like there is a sort of disconnect from the people who joined in late 2010-early 2012 I think we've all noticed that. Basically, I think it lies where if you were on classic when it was at it's biggest, (ie. got ranked up/were popular on there).

However that doesn't make you any less a member of the family. I encourage you to take a break from everything, then come back and join us once more.

T9k isn't an obligation, nor is it an elite status. You just come and have fun that's all there is to it.

Good luck, have fun, and come back to visit!

Welp, sad to see you go, filter. I hope you find what you're looking for outside this community. I know for sure I haven't yet. :I Anyyyyways, I do hope you return when or if you ever feel like it. You're always welcome here. :)
Well, I'm sad to see you go Filter! You were an awesome guy and you were a great person to game with. I can assure you you'll be missed and I hope you return someday!
Have fun in the big scary real life! xD.
I never really got the chance to meet you, but goodbye and good luck wherever on the the interwebs you end up!
Ah, I remember Wilson the dirt block. Fun times.
I hope you return soon, but a break from here will probably help.
And it might be the first time I've been mentioned in a blog post.

Anyway, good luck!
hopefully I am considered a friendly but have a feeling it is probably asshole. no matter what, when you tried to become a better person I think a lot of people grew more accepting of you and that is a good thing. we never really clicked but hey it doesn't matter, we are a part of this community and that is enough. I wish you the best of luck in your life and hope you find something out just as awesome if not more awesome than t9k. if you do come back I hope peoples preception of you changes for the better and are more welcoming :D
Dude, your long gone by now, stuck in the outdoors, doing stuff like jogging, walking, and embracing the sun, while you left all of us here stuck inside getting whiter and whiter as the hours pass. I regret not catching you before you left, i looked you up on fb, there are a BUNCH of people with your name. To be honest, i really enjoy the fact that i was the only one on your list that counted towards all of the list categories. You were really one of my best friends of team9000, its gonna be hard to hold on here with all of my better friends leaving all the sudden (No i didnt see this before now i saw nobler's blog first) I hope embracing the sun gives you as much pleasure as everyone around me claims it gives them. I will miss you dude, i will be awaiting your return
Didn't know ya very well but you seemed like an alright person. Sorry to see you leave but based on how long you have thought about it I'll see you back here soon I am sure. I've tried to leave 3 times and for whatever reason I have stuck around this long.
Sorry to see you go! I only got to play with you briefly in a friendly way, and I was still a bit worried you were gonna unleash a wither on "Stonekeep" :p Thanks for your contribution to Southbridge, we use the facilities in your house, and your house inspired me to build my own!
I'm sure you'll never read this because you are gone now...

Dude it was great meeting you. I know how you feel... I too lost my inspiration for minecraft because I'm bored from playing it. And nobody hates you man... look at all the people that replied back to this post. I'm sure none of these people hate you.

and good luck in the real world.
