What I think about Transformers 3

I thought transformers was actually half way decent and the beginning was awesome as EVERY movie should start off with a hotass girl walking around in her under wear.as for the storyline that was as little wacky but as mentioned this movie is about an alien species of robots stranded on our planet so what do you expect, besides it was a hell of a lot better than the second one. Also you could tell spielberg helped out with this one as there was a lot more violence and death then the last two. Actually if you pay attention they dont show anyone actually die until this one and they did a great job showing the destruction and casulties caused by giant robots fighting in a city. Perfect? Hell no. Good movie? In my opinion yes but I respect yours so I wont push mine :)
If it's anything like the second one no thanks. Pure commercial film never interested me, and Transformers' story pretty much ended with the first one, the rest is a money raking machine. If you wanna see hot chicks go watch porn or get that Victoria Secret Catalog you've been hiding behind your pillow.