What the heck is a Zagoner?


Active Member
I decided I'd post here so people can get to know me a bit more. I've only been around recently on the Minecraft Classic server where I have managed to rank up. I figured I'd post this so you lot can know about me for my stay here..

My real name is Jed, But I usually call my Username/Characters Zagoner, It's sort of a 'Internet' name which I just came up with whilst struggling to name my Paladin on World of Warcraft.
I enjoy art a lot, And i'm still in school >.< But I'll often be found on the server doing something related to this Pixel Art thing people do on Minecraft :p

I'm not really sure what else to say. Ha. I'm a really big World of Warcraft and Halo fan I guess I could mention. If you have any questions i'll be free to answer them if they're sensible. :D

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