Who's That Pokemon?


Well-Known Member
This isn't probably at all what you were thinking from the title. This isn't reaction images, this is ART.

It's an ARTing game where anyone can ART in the manner they deem to be the most ART, and then they get judged for their ART to see who made the best ART in order to continue the trend to judge someone else's ART. ART.
Just kidding, kind of. This is a stupid ass game friends-who-shall-not-be-named and I played during down time in class last year where people attempt to draw Pogeymans.

Everyone can draw in this game. Literally. Everyone. Think you can't draw? Then you should be drawing for this. Seriously, all draws welcome. Where are you going? Get back here and ART dammit!

You're probably wanting me to get to the point on the rules for this game right? Well,

SIT DOWN CHILDREN I'm gonna learn ya how to play some Butt-ball.
[collapse=CLICK THIS SHIT]
  • MS Paint/Favored ART program
    Paper and a scanner/camera/I don't care what you use just so long as you have a way to post images.
  • One person posts a Description about a Pokemon.
    • Be as vague as possible. Don't use the Pokemon's name anywhere, or keywords easily associated with that Pokemon. None of that "It has Roses for hands" bullshit if you're describing Roselia.
    • You can use a reference when describing or not; no one's gonna know except you and maybe a few others if you get some details wrong. Honestly, it's a lot funnier if the person doesn't really remember what they're describing looks like.
  • People do their best rendition of the Funky Chicken whatever you've described through ART.
    • They must follow your instructions to a 'T. If you say "After that, draw a dick on its chin" then they damn well better draw the best penis they've ever drawn on that chin (or the worst, no one's judging for quality!)
    • They then try to guess what they have just drawn. PUT THAT SHIT UNDER A SPOILER. Only the current judge is allowed to look under them until the next round starts! It goes without saying, the ARTist gets no references when they're ARTing and when they're trying to guess. They only have the first description to go off of.
  • The first person to get it right posts their own description. If no one can get it by the end of your day, you can make another one, or pass it on to the most recent poster before you.

And if you'd like an example after all of that; you're in luck. This is the kind of stupid shit you can be expecting from this game:

(Take note not to put your guess on the picture itself. Slowpoke's just a little rebel.)
As for what your "Descriptions" should look like, I'll take the liberty of doing the very first one:


>Start with a Circle. Make it fuzzy like a hairy Ballsack but with a missing left nut.
>2 triangles on top.
>A sideways oval in the center of the left-nutless-ballsack.
>2 upside-down trapezoids with angry eyebrows
>4 noodles coming from the ballsack.
>Grabbers like that claw-game(you know the one that eats all your money) on the ends of the noodles.
>Scratch that; one more, slightly longer, noodle coming from behind the ballsack.
>It ends in a curl.
>Color that with tan. brown, and pink where you see fit.

Guess away. Good luck. ;P

Oh I can't wait to find out what this was supposed to be.

...uh I know this is wrong but WEEPINBELL
What is this? A decent forum game?

Impossible! (Great idea.)

1. Draw animal hoof (Bottom cross section)

2 Draw circle around said hoof.

3. Place oblong triangle on top of circle

4. On top of triangle, place another circle.

5. On either side of that, add leaf shaped plates

6. Going back to the bottom of everything you've drawn so far add a rather long tail.

7. On both sides of this entire entity(The circle around the hoof), draw Japanese style paper fans.

8. Color it blue and white.
What is this? A decent forum game?

Impossible! (Great idea.)

1. Draw animal hoof (Bottom cross section)

2 Draw circle around said hoof.

3. Place oblong triangle on top of circle

4. On top of triangle, place another circle.

5. On either side of that, add leaf shaped plates

6. Going back to the bottom of everything you've drawn so far add a rather long tail.

7. On both sides of this entire entity(The circle around the hoof), draw Japanese style paper fans.

8. Color it blue and white.
Who's that pokemon.jpg

It's Gyarados....right?

New rule, if you get it wrong, you have to reply with the biggest "GODAMMIT" you can. I'm conjuring my powers as OP to make it so.

Flattery will get you everywhere. <3 As for your Pokemon....

Nope... I really do suck!

Reverse the color scheme. The hoof is blue, body/sideprotrusions/tail is white.
Nope... I really do suck!

Reverse the color scheme. The hoof is blue, body/sideprotrusions/tail is white.

That's cool, there's no such thing as suck! There is only CHALLENGE MODE.
And well, uh if the color scheme is reversed, then...
I got nothing. Damn, good luck to the next guesses. =P

Aha! Okay here are some images that I drew while Mrs. Cupcake (and a few other friends) were describing to me during Video Game Design class in school like...months ago.
You can also look here on Page 328 of the Image Thread to see the original post of this.
Oh god, that Nidoking. And that Gyrados. Some of my finer moments. xD

Also, I'm apparently a Mrs.? My husband hasn't been home in 18 years, and I'm getting a little worried!
Also, I'm apparently a Mrs.? My husband hasn't been home in 18 years, and I'm getting a little worried!
Oh god I am already becoming stoopid...mistaking Mrs. and Ms.

That or your husband really does exist and is out there somewhere...laughing at us right now...

What is this? A decent forum game?

Impossible! (Great idea.)

Altaria came to mind when you said blue and white. I DON'T KNOW

Oh god I am already becoming stoopid...mistaking Mrs. and Ms.

That or your husband really does exist and is out there somewhere...laughing at us right now...

I thought you had just copy pasted my drawing for a second there.
It's totally not Oshawott, but Oshawott.
What is this? A decent forum game?

Impossible! (Great idea.)

1. Draw animal hoof (Bottom cross section)

2 Draw circle around said hoof.

3. Place oblong triangle on top of circle

4. On top of triangle, place another circle.

5. On either side of that, add leaf shaped plates

6. Going back to the bottom of everything you've drawn so far add a rather long tail.

7. On both sides of this entire entity(The circle around the hoof), draw Japanese style paper fans.

8. Color it blue and white.
Fuckin' crafty bastard. I'm pretty sure it's Lugia.