Why I like Team9000:


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Well-Known Member
i'll admit, i have been enticed by haxball once more. but, after dabbling in that community for a couple of days, i was so motivated to post this thread that i actually did. in this thread, i simply want to state why i like team9000:
  1. the people here are supportive. it may be because the other community is centered around a competitive game, or it could be because competitive online games draw a certain crowd. my best guess, though, is that they are all from 4chan :eek:
  2. the people here aren't dedicated to trolling the @#*$ out of each other. probably related to my final point in #1
  3. my (sometimes) pointed opinions aren't necessarily well-received here (not surprised or offended), but when people do make fun of my opinions/ideas, they do it in such a way that i know they're being friendly and, ultimately, constructive. for the explanation as to why i feel this way, please refer to all of #2 and the last little bit of #1 (as pointed out in the last bit of #2)
  4. although i have been muted here and there on this server, i've come to realize that i deserve it. well, most of the time, since conrod has this thing fo... uh what i meant to say is that the people here don't abuse their power. they slowly earn more responsibilities as woot, Ozy, and the other powdered-wig people get to know them better. i have had to deal with more than a little unfair treatment in that other community and it just makes me sick. i can't help but point out the flaws (refer to #3, then follow that chain of events up to #1 for some friendly reiteration) in everything that they do, which is probably why i can't post on their forum right now...
  5. i briefly touched on this point in the middle of #4, but i believe it deserves its own number. unfair treatment. probably, out of everything that irritates me (that'll be another thread, but much longer), unfair treatment hits me closest to the heart. this problem in their community stems from #4, when then traces all the way back to #1. apparently all evil on teh interwebz stems from 4chan, yah?
  6. the way that they communicate is also irritating. not only are their daily conversations profanity-laced, but they also have a couple particularly habits. they are constantly using ">" (which i believe has an extremely negative meaning) and "mfw" (which is pointless). it not only makes it difficult to communicate with them, but it further alienates me since i personally don't belief in the use of foul language (not judging any of you, though). not sure if this point can go all the way from #5-#1, but it definitely relates to the last bit of #1
  7. i wrote all this while listening to j nics - champion rizla, which is probably why it's amped. just so i can change your life in more way than one, i have decided to be courteous enough to provide a link (you can thank me now or you can thank me later, either way it's cool): http://www.djbooth.net/index/mixtapes/entry/jnics-rizla/
  8. i provided a poll for teh lulz and thank you for reading this (if you did). if you just skipped ahead to the final point hoping that it would be some sort of conclusion, please refer to #1 and go from there

p.s conrod and malinax <3 :cool:
Also ohai, I haven't been around because I've been busy with finals the past 3 days and now I'm done so it's 24hour trollfest now.
So...#1 and Mudkipz? Is that what I should learn from this thread?

Quincy that was a lovely statement you wrote there, really in-depth, thankyou for putting away some of your time to share your innermost thoughts about the community.

On to me now :P
I initially came here for minecraft, then I was invited onto mumble by the gang.
Since that point, I've fallen in love with the community and it's people.

I love the fact that I can talk to someone from England, Sweden, Germany, Thailand and America all at the same time and we have one hell of a time most of it spent gasping for air as we laugh.

Hopefully I'll be sitting here next year writing about my experiences at PAX East 2012!

It's good to see that you're enjoying yourself here Quin.
That mudkipz is scary O.O But still lieken it!
I was enticed to come onto the classic from my brother. Then we played that up and the rest is history.
Planning on (but no promises, have to get a job first) going to pax prime 2012. I am not sure how I'll work that out yet haha, at least I have some time before then. If not 2012 then 2013 :)