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why was i bannedO.O?


New Member
hello my minecraft account is BlackVipor and i have a question. why was i banned? O.O
when i tried to log on it said banned by console 7d2h. i have been gone at my grandma's for 2 weeks with my family for a visit.
can you please tell me why i was banned?
Hi BlackVipor,

You have been banned by console for grief detection on flag2.
Please wait for an admin to handle this appeal.
BlackVipor, trying to make an excuse and lie to get out of a ban is not the right way to go about it.

We have grief traps on our server. If you try to delete a certain number of blocks from the sprites around our map, you are automatically banned by the server. This is what happened in your case.

I do not believe that someone hacked your account (which is free btw) just so they could go on a server and get you banned, so don't give us bogus excuses about being away.

Even if that was the case, you are still responsible for keeping your account secure and you are responsible for anything that happens on your account on our server.

We can always check what IP was used to log onto your account on our server to confirm that it was not hacked. If someone had hacked it, the IP used would be different from the original one. It is always best to tell the truth, promise to not grief again, and hope that we give you a second chance.

So do you have anything to say for your actions?
then i guess i should change my password to something else if possible. the only person that ive told about my account was a friend from school named owen.im guessing i shouldnt have let him borrow my laptop...

I have unbanned you for now.
Remember that anything done on your account is your responsibility.
If you are caught griefing again, your ban will be permanent. We only allow for 1 ban appeal.

When you rejoin our server, make sure to type /rules to refresh yourself on how we expect people to behave on our server.