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Why was i demoted from builder to guest?!?


I want to know why i was demoted because i never remember doing water spamming i was probably hacked. ConroD said we'll talk but he never did, so can someone tell me what to do I'm starting to think i was framed :( ;(:(
I need help

Ps: sorry posting this thread on the ban appeal link.
I have sent ConroD a PM regarding this matter, please be patient while you wait for his response.
Like i said to you in game danny, the spam was excessive and the likely hood of you being hacked and your details remaining the same are slim.

You have been pretty persistent though which is a positive sign, so i'll re-promote you. Don't let me down, brah.
i wont let u down conro ill keep building by the way if builders were to promote to engineers do we have a choice to stay as builders or do we continuously rank in the game?