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Wolfkite1's LongTermSurvival App


I want a second chance. I realized i was an idiot and i just want a second chance to make things right.
Seargentbob, nikkitikkiisland, Daboredgamer
I have been banned for spam. Accidently put up a second thread ignore it. I got proven not guilty and just want a second chance.
AND i understand that last rule
To be honest wolfkite, I feel you aren't mature enough/ready to handle t9k survival. it isn't like classic at all; not just t9k'ers are on survival. we get a lot of random people who don't know the server or how we act towards eachother. Frankly, the way you have treated other people/situations in survival proves to me you can't handle t9k Survival, let alone LTS.

This may sound rather oppositional to your views, but... I want to let Wolfkite back to Lts. Recovering from a server ban is a rare thing, especially after a long dispute, but if Wolfkite can at least be faithful to the community, and discuss land rights thoroughly and be rather kind (and fix the grammar issues), I have a little hope that he will be more of a better person. Just a little. It will be a warning also, showing that he has one exception till he is gone for good, a pardon should be made and at least more supervision under his management concerning land rights.

He seems to be ready for some things, but we should be nice and teach him to be a good friend.
I would say that he should gain some trust with the community and he should get some time to mature a bit before he gets back on LTS.
This may sound rather oppositional to your views, but... I want to let Wolfkite back to Lts. Recovering from a server ban is a rare thing, especially after a long dispute, but if Wolfkite can at least be faithful to the community, and discuss land rights thoroughly and be rather kind (and fix the grammar issues), I have a little hope that he will be more of a better person. Just a little. It will be a warning also, showing that he has one exception till he is gone for good, a pardon should be made and at least more supervision under his management concerning land rights.

He seems to be ready for some things, but we should be nice and teach him to be a good friend.

I do not think wolfkite can be faithful or even a help for that matter to the LTS community or for team9000. He has been here since december..... That is 6 months and that is plenty of time to show everyone that he can be a trustable player. But all he has done in that time is troll and piss people off with his random posts / threads in the forums that make zero sense and the way how he acted in the LTS world would be the same of a 4 year old throwing a tantrum.

I do not think he can comprehend discussing land rights... Or discuss anything properly for that matter.

Soooooo still no vouch
I think Wolfkite does have SOME points. He did make a town, Portland, but it was a village surrounded by cobblestone walls, it was shabby but that proved he did have a standard knowabout for land owning. He did make a house near Lufenia, but the town was only average size and unchanging at that point, and even though the courageous debate he made WAS really bad, at least we know we can help him try to make a pro, rather than con, out of this. He seems to be rather innocent and just misunderstood, his reputation covered by a skin of misspellings and misunderstanding blunders. I want to cover up for him.
csi, i got to say this to u and everyone who doesnt want me. u think i am so bad and untrustable. how can u prove that when i havent been on for months. can u really can i havent changed. until u can prove that then u cant talk. i am trust able now and the main points i got to back me up now. for something to back me up i am used to FACTION/RAIDING servers, where it is an all out free for all.
csi, i got to say this to u and everyone who doesnt want me. u think i am so bad and untrustable. how can u prove that when i havent been on for months. can u really can i havent changed. until u can prove that then u cant talk. i am trust able now and the main points i got to back me up now. for something to back me up i am used to FACTION/RAIDING servers, where it is an all out free for all.

As I read your posts, I have noticed that you're very hostile towards the people that have replied to this thread going for a no vouch. Also, I have noticed that your English is very broken. If you wish to get a more positive response, I suggest you attempt to be coherent and less hostile. Once that is proven to me, I will vouch for you, but until that time I will say a no vouch is in order for your poor behavior.

P.S. Perhaps apologize thoroughly and coherently to those that you have angered, if haven't already. Even if you have, try again.
I still have faith in Wolfkite. Allimon, I do think it's important to use proper English, and that's what I think makes him unfitting for you and the others. But, like I, and now you said, I do think his reputation can be saved if he and us can try to cooperate. I have faith in you, Wolfkite, and even though I'm not the biggest friend, I want to see you be a nice person. ;)
Wolfkite, I'm going to repeat what I said on your ban appeal.

Since you've joined, you've done two notable things: demand (in an all-caps-lock rage) that Obama commit a genocide against Muslims after the Boston Bombings and gain a reputation for completely incoherent forum posts.

Sure, you made a "town", but you couldn't even do that without stirring up a massive controversy.

No vouch from me.
Wolfkite, I'm going to repeat what I said on your ban appeal.

Since you've joined, you've done two notable things: demand (in an all-caps-lock rage) that Obama commit a genocide against Muslims after the Boston Bombings and gain a reputation for completely incoherent forum posts.

Sure, you made a "town", but you couldn't even do that without stirring up a massive controversy.

No vouch from me.
this really makes me laugh. you really need to go back and read what i posted. first off if u think i said obama make a genocide then u are not understanding. i said obama should put all u.s. efforts to get these terrorists. I got a best friend who is muslums. and i dont like csi. ever since i first came on to t9k he always put me down. and what i said using caps is to make a point. p.s. my langauge and spelling isnt doing well because faster is better in faction pvp. less time typing more time fighting and defending.
Wolfkite, I'm going to repeat what I said on your ban appeal.

Since you've joined, you've done two notable things: demand (in an all-caps-lock rage) that Obama commit a genocide against Muslims after the Boston Bombings and gain a reputation for completely incoherent forum posts.

Sure, you made a "town", but you couldn't even do that without stirring up a massive controversy.

No vouch from me.

This was slightly unnecessary and it seems that perhaps you are trying to shake up a hornets' nest that shouldn't be shaken. I've noticed your tendency to be very aggressive to those that you are [marginally] upset with and seeming attempt to continually put them down. You, with Wolfkite should work this argument out between yourself and him or simply get over his post. People post silly things all the time, but they can redeem themselves for their prior actions if they show a commitment to change.

this really makes me laugh. you really need to go back and read what i posted. first off if u think i said obama make a genocide then u are not understanding. i said obama should put all u.s. efforts to get these terrorists. I got a best friend who is muslums. and i dont like csi. ever since i first came on to t9k he always put me down. and what i said using caps is to make a point. p.s. my langauge and spelling isnt doing well because faster is better in faction pvp. less time typing more time fighting and defending.

I realize you are young, from what I remember of the Cydonian glory days, but you must learn to separate things like PVP combat in a game (Minecraft) from typing here on the site. There is no rush to get things done here. Learn to adjust your perspective based upon your current surroundings, not those that you are accustomed to as it seems.

Also, your spelling and grammar has improved some, keep at it, relax and attempt to be a lesser cause of angst within this small section of our community.

P.S. Don't forget that apology that I requested you direct toward the town of Lufenia and those you may have angered inadvertently.
This was slightly unnecessary and it seems that perhaps you are trying to shake up a hornets' nest that shouldn't be shaken. I've noticed your tendency to be very aggressive to those that you are [marginally] upset with and seeming attempt to continually put them down. You, with Wolfkite should work this argument out between yourself and him or simply get over his post. People post silly things all the time, but they can redeem themselves for their prior actions if they show a commitment to change.

I realize you are young, from what I remember of the Cydonian glory days, but you must learn to separate things like PVP combat in a game (Minecraft) from typing here on the site. There is no rush to get things done here. Learn to adjust your perspective based upon your current surroundings, not those that you are accustomed to as it seems.

Also, your spelling and grammar has improved some, keep at it, relax and attempt to be a lesser cause of angst within this small section of our community.

P.S. Don't forget that apology that I requested you direct toward the town of Lufenia and those you may have angered inadvertently.

i get all that stuff u say and i did say sorry to luke but i cant say sorry to crabbie cause crabbie isn't ever on chat. i agree with the rushing part but you got to think, minecraft was made for a game of peace and harmony. It isn't like that now. P.S. i am hoping to get lts back soon because 1.6 is coming soon. it is what portland is meant for. Shipping goods on donkeys and mules across lands. everyone knows portland has a good supply of wood, but what do we use it for, one answer roads. I hope to get a second chance to undo my wrongs and help make lts a better place.
This was slightly unnecessary and it seems that perhaps you are trying to shake up a hornets' nest that shouldn't be shaken. I've noticed your tendency to be very aggressive to those that you are [marginally] upset with and seeming attempt to continually put them down. You, with Wolfkite should work this argument out between yourself and him or simply get over his post. People post silly things all the time, but they can redeem themselves for their prior actions if they show a commitment to change.

I realize you are young, from what I remember of the Cydonian glory days, but you must learn to separate things like PVP combat in a game (Minecraft) from typing here on the site. There is no rush to get things done here. Learn to adjust your perspective based upon your current surroundings, not those that you are accustomed to as it seems.

Also, your spelling and grammar has improved some, keep at it, relax and attempt to be a lesser cause of angst within this small section of our community.

P.S. Don't forget that apology that I requested you direct toward the town of Lufenia and those you may have angered inadvertently.

I understand completely. Most of my hostility towards him has emanated from his behavior on the Boston Bombings thread, which did far more than "marginally upset" me.

I'm all for second chances though (I've had my fair share), so I re-tract my "no" and remain neutral. You're improving your behavior Wolfkite, keep it up!

Also, Allimon, I think you are remembering Greywolfy, not Wolfkite.
I understand completely. Most of my hostility towards him has emanated from his behavior on the Boston Bombings thread, which did far more than "marginally upset" me.

I'm all for second chances though (I've had my fair share), so I re-tract my "no" and remain neutral. You're improving your behavior Wolfkite, keep it up!

Also, Allimon, I think you are remembering Greywolfy, not Wolfkite.

Hmm. Maybe that's who it is. I don't really know anymore.