Zach is a lurker


Pah-thetic. I need my own place, where I can shell out for decent internets.
@ollee i pay round 40€. I don't know what this might be in US $ but i pay like half of what i paid before for just 50mBit.

100mbit ^ 40€
50mbit ^ up to 80€

I changed to 100mbit, because they had special offers. I would be stupid if i havent, right? :P
and there is no catch!

btw. from today:


As far as college campus' go, it's pretty slow, and much slower than my internets at home. But it's actually about twice as fast as it was at the beginning of the semester.

@warpixel That's it... I'm moving to Europe.
That's about normal price for upper-level Comcast here. And by "upper-level Comcast," I mean like... 16 down, 2 up.
is that much in us?

i think its pretty awsum here :D
although i am part american, i like it here :P

oh i'd say 52USD is appx 40 euro....give or take ;-)

and wooty is being GENEROUS with that 52 bucks being 16x2 cause thats 16x2 TOP speeds.

Remember, here at comcast, we let you buy internet access off of us, but if you ACTUALLY use it, you get throttled....
oh i'd say 52USD is appx 40 euro....give or take ;-)

and wooty is being GENEROUS with that 52 bucks being 16x2 cause thats 16x2 TOP speeds.

Remember, here at comcast, we let you buy internet access off of us, but if you ACTUALLY use it, you get throttled....

Comcast is absolutely retarded. I am supposed to get 12 down and 2 up.....go figure....
