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Zone11: Urban Design Department

My Zone11 contributions as of 08/24/2011:

Red = Solo builds, Orange = Co-op builds

Coloring reflects Z11 zoning convention: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Governmental

  1. Primary residence of oozinator
  2. House with balcony and backyard barbecue
  3. Sandy apartment
  4. Duplex
  5. Barber Shop
  6. Auto Repair Shop
  7. The Fanciest Flower Shop in Zone11! (co-op build with madcart)
  8. Small community bank
  9. Police Helicopter
  10. Supermarket
  11. Locksmith and post office
  12. Freight depot and electrical sub station
  13. 4-structure Recycling complex, Photovoltaic arrays, electrical poles, and sewer entrance
  14. Casey water tower
  15. Tio's Grill
  16. The Projects
  17. 4-unit apartment
  18. Sandwich shop
  19. Gym
  20. Game Store (co-op build with darkstyler99)
  21. Small low-income apartment housing
  22. Riverbed detail w/ cuboid help from t7seven7t or Riein (cannot remember which)
  23. Buoy
My Zone11 contributions as of 08/24/2011:

Red = Solo builds, Orange = Co-op builds

Coloring reflects Z11 zoning convention: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Governmental

  1. Primary residence of oozinator
  2. House with balcony and backyard barbecue
  3. Sandy apartment
  4. Duplex
  5. Barber Shop
  6. Auto Repair Shop
  7. The Fanciest Flower Shop in Zone11! (co-op build with madcart)
  8. Small community bank
  9. Police Helicopter
  10. Supermarket
  11. Locksmith and post office
  12. Freight depot and electrical sub station
  13. 4-structure Recycling complex, Photovoltaic arrays, electrical poles, and sewer entrance
  14. Casey water tower
  15. Tio's Grill
  16. The Projects
  17. 4-unit apartment
  18. Sandwich shop
  19. Gym
  20. Game Store (co-op build with darkstyler99)
  21. Small low-income apartment housing
  22. Riverbed detail w/ cuboid help from t7seven7t or Riein (cannot remember which)
  23. Buoy

Very impressive.
Note: I have plans for that island there, so I'm trusting you, Oozinator, to keep it pristine.
Woah now, whose in charge again?

Not quite sure. I have many bosses apparently. :D

But I build only on colored lots and in Zone A and B primarily, per MinerJuco's request.
So, Vorsprung, you don't have to worry about me building on that island, since it's not color-zoned.

If I want to do anything extremely questionable, I post at the Help Desk first. I guess that makes the Help Desk my boss. :)

.... and Vorsprung, a puppet of course. :p

Hehe, just kidding buddy.

BTW, I'm glad to see your house is up, Casey!
Yeah, im not completely sure either, but we will manage. Technically our department makes sure everyone follows the rules too, so I'll ask miner. And yeah, its getting there, just have to work on the interior now.
Yeah, im not completely sure either, but we will manage. Technically our department makes sure everyone follows the rules too, so I'll ask miner. And yeah, its getting there, just have to work on the interior now.

The problem is that MinerJuco hasn't been on anything T9K for more than a month.
Thought I'd put up my contributions.

The City.JPG

1. Mi Casa
2. The coffee shop that might as well just run a pipe to my house.
3. .....Um... Guess I didn't label anything.
4. Ellicott Company turbine and compressor repair shop.
5. Ohio Arships OAS14 - Spirit of Akron
6. Covered bridge remodeled and raised to allow cargo lighters to pass upriver and a small cargo carrier passing underneath coming from the industries in Area K.
7. Ellicott Company primary production facility.
About 70% complete. I need to finish the interior in the building with the sawtoothed roof and put in some offices.
8. Train tunnel - Realized that the railroad needed to go *somewhere*

Once I'm done with this factory, I'd like to do two more industrial builds. Probably a foundry (excuse to use a lot of lava) and something making small widgets with a lot of conveyors. Maybe a fish cannery?

Beyond that, the city really needs a university. I'd suggest something on the lines of the University of Pittsburgh pre WWII: A fairly small campus surrounding a gorgeously gothic skyscraper that housed most of the classrooms. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_of_Learning This would look cool and allow us to do a lot with a small footprint. Any thoughts?

Another potential project would be an expansion of the train station in the south of the city to accommodate two trains at once. If you'll notice right now, we have two trains headed into it that are on a collision course! We could easily expand it to the east towards the road without losing much useful ground. There'd still be only one line in and out, but a siding could split off to another platform, parallel with the current one. If someone would like to copy it to a Cool world for me, I could make the changes there and see if the hive mind approves.

Finally, what is the statute of limitations on half finished buildings? We have the foundation labeled "CLUB" across from my coffee shop in Area A, the parking garage (?) by the Cathedral, something brown in the cluster by the main train station, and that house all the way in the SE corner of the map. All have been sitting for weeks or months. I'd be happy to finish any of them as a side project, so long as I know that I'm not going to get busted for griefing.

The water park looks fantastic. Kudos to whoever's building it.

Well, let me know what you think. Thanks!
Hey Zepp, wanna coop build the police station? I'll message you about it if I see you in game, but it's in Cool59, just next to the colorful stadium along the wall. I could do it alone, but my skills don't amaze me. I need to be inspired by another!

Oh by the way, Darkstyler99 et. al are building the water park. It's suppose to be one of those luxury parks that only the filthy rich can go to.

I cannot afford. ;(