New profile posts

So after a couple of years to reflect on life choices I have come to the conclusion that I didn't fully understand why t9k was dying and I vented out of anger. For that, I apologize and I understand now that I am older and more worn out. Life has a funny way of reminding you about your mistakes and mine are numerous. I probably will continue in my inactivity on the site but I did want to apologize for my actions :)
Hi dough, appreciate the message, very heartwarming! Do you have Discord or Steam where we can chat and catch up? I miss you!
Wow, this account's still alive. Randomly opened Minecraft again and remembered T9k classic server days from like 6 years ago when I was like 13? :unsure:
Anyway, Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I just came back to see if this community is still alive after 7 years (my last post was in 2013). Brings back good memories!
Well if anyone still reads this. I still remember you guys all from t9k, it was a real blast from the past. I tried making contact with some of you guys but most of you didn't remember me, if you do please comment here before adding me on steam.

here's my steam:

I miss MCC 2012, thank you all of you guys who shared moments with me during that time.
Knock knock! Holy cheese, Batman! All these recognizable names I'm seeing....
Hey it's the self-appointed mayor of Newbank! :D
I became an adult :/ and now most things suck
Same, I managed to put off becoming an adult for like an extra decade though :D