Official Youtube Sucks Thread

Found a way to fix youtube.

Works for me:
wait if we've learn anything from youtube redesigns, the channels could be next to change...

for god sake(I wonder if people can protest to change the design back to the 08' format?)




I hate google.
Really, guys? You're going to pour your frustration here and keep it bottled up? Is that really going to be any effective to change the layout back to the way it was? No, it isn't.

Personally, I do not care about the layout, and I really don't understand how and/ or why people get worked up over something so minor. If you don't want to click on a suggested video, DON'T CLICK ON IT. It's that simple. The one thing I WILL care about is people trying to tell me that it's a big deal. Your problem, not mine. It's a website, like all others-- it's not like the format will stay the same forever and ever.
I found a great fix for YouTube!

Basically there's these cookies stored on your computer by Google which let them know what kind of a user you are. All you have to do then is delete the cookie file which will then change your user ID as Google sees it so that you are one of the users permitted to see the old layout (This is left over from the previous tests Google conducted on this. They haven't removed it yet for whatever reason). Once the cookie has been deleted, it'll rebuild the file once you reboot and you'll be absolutely fine.


If you're on a PC:
1. Open Notepad
2. Type in the following text (you're creating a script which will remove the cookie. If you try to remove it manually Windows will warn you about it.
@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32
2.5 If that doesn't work, replace WINDOWS with whatever your Hard Drive is called
3. Save the file as YouTubeFix.bat (Only the .bat part is important). Make sure you click save as 'All Files' not '.txt'
4. Double-click on the script you made, this will automatically remove the cookie and you'll have the new YouTube the next time your computer restarts (It will do this automatically for you)

If you're using a Mac:
1. Open up Terminal (Located in /Application/Utilities/
2. Type in the following:
sudo rm -rf
3. Press enter, and it'll ask you for an admin password to remove the file. If you don't have admin, ask your school's helpdesk and tell them that you need it to install video games or something.
4. It'll start the process, which will take a little while. Don't worry if some files go missing, that's just Finder glitching up a little after the cookie deletes. They'll all be back once your computer auto-reboots.

If you're using anything running linux or anything linux-based, then the fix will come automatically, along with your computer competency.

Also, because anything in a guide that edits any file can be considered screwing up someone's computer and get me sued:
I am in no way responsible for any damage caused to your computer in any way

Legal statement below, if you're so obliged. It sucks that to give a guide, you have to go through all this :(
I'll spoiler it for you:
To the extent authorized by the appropriate legal documents and laws of the user's governed area of residence, you agree to indemnify and hold the user 3vans harmless against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities and costs incurred by 3vans which directly or indirectly result from, or arise in connection with, any negligent act or omission of the user 3vans, its agents, or employees, pertaining to its activities and obligations under this Agreement.
You, the user, shall indemnify and hold the user 3vans, their Regents, officers, agents, and employees harmless against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities and costs which directly or indirectly result from, or arise in connection with, any negligent act or omission of you, the user, its agents, or employees, pertaining to its activities and obligations under this Agreement or from your (the user's) use of the results of the guide.

You agree to not hold me responsible in any way, shape or form for your own stupidity and lack of research into what this actually does. You must honestly be retarded to not look this up, whether you know what it is or not.
And there goes a great half-hour.
I don't even remember that bar being there yesterday, looks like a new addition. Need to wait for a script update.
I think that bar shows up when you click a video from a playlist, rather than from the search results or related videos.
I found a great fix for YouTube!

Basically there's these cookies stored on your computer by Google which let them know what kind of a user you are. All you have to do then is delete the cookie file which will then change your user ID as Google sees it so that you are one of the users permitted to see the old layout (This is left over from the previous tests Google conducted on this. They haven't removed it yet for whatever reason). Once the cookie has been deleted, it'll rebuild the file once you reboot and you'll be absolutely fine.


If you're on a PC:
1. Open Notepad
2. Type in the following text (you're creating a script which will remove the cookie. If you try to remove it manually Windows will warn you about it.
@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32
2.5 If that doesn't work, replace WINDOWS with whatever your Hard Drive is called
3. Save the file as YouTubeFix.bat (Only the .bat part is important). Make sure you click save as 'All Files' not '.txt'
4. Double-click on the script you made, this will automatically remove the cookie and you'll have the new YouTube the next time your computer restarts (It will do this automatically for you)

If you're using a Mac:
1. Open up Terminal (Located in /Application/Utilities/
2. Type in the following:
sudo rm -rf
3. Press enter, and it'll ask you for an admin password to remove the file. If you don't have admin, ask your school's helpdesk and tell them that you need it to install video games or something.
4. It'll start the process, which will take a little while. Don't worry if some files go missing, that's just Finder glitching up a little after the cookie deletes. They'll all be back once your computer auto-reboots.

If you're using anything running linux or anything linux-based, then the fix will come automatically, along with your computer competency.

Also, because anything in a guide that edits any file can be considered screwing up someone's computer and get me sued:
I am in no way responsible for any damage caused to your computer in any way

Legal statement below, if you're so obliged. It sucks that to give a guide, you have to go through all this :(
I'll spoiler it for you:
To the extent authorized by the appropriate legal documents and laws of the user's governed area of residence, you agree to indemnify and hold the user 3vans harmless against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities and costs incurred by 3vans which directly or indirectly result from, or arise in connection with, any negligent act or omission of the user 3vans, its agents, or employees, pertaining to its activities and obligations under this Agreement.
You, the user, shall indemnify and hold the user 3vans, their Regents, officers, agents, and employees harmless against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities and costs which directly or indirectly result from, or arise in connection with, any negligent act or omission of you, the user, its agents, or employees, pertaining to its activities and obligations under this Agreement or from your (the user's) use of the results of the guide.

You agree to not hold me responsible in any way, shape or form for your own stupidity and lack of research into what this actually does. You must honestly be retarded to not look this up, whether you know what it is or not.
And there goes a great half-hour.
Really, guys? You're going to pour your frustration here and keep it bottled up? Is that really going to be any effective to change the layout back to the way it was? No, it isn't.

Personally, I do not care about the layout, and I really don't understand how and/ or why people get worked up over something so minor. If you don't want to click on a suggested video, DON'T CLICK ON IT. It's that simple. The one thing I WILL care about is people trying to tell me that it's a big deal. Your problem, not mine. It's a website, like all others-- it's not like the format will stay the same forever and ever.
They don't need to suggest me videos. And if they really feel they need to, they could've kept it in the meaningless bar on the side. I find the videos I like myself, thank you.
When I first saw the new layout I thought something was wrong with my laptop.When I saw it was a new layout I wanted to kill myself with a nipple as hard as a rock