Recent content by AintSkeered

  1. AintSkeered

    Game Request | Double Action: Boogaloo

    Its really fun and it doesn't depend on your KD ratio, but style points. Best of all, the game is FREE so everyone can play it!
  2. AintSkeered

    Image Thread

  3. AintSkeered

    One Word Story

  4. AintSkeered

    Game Request | Double Action: Boogaloo

    No...that shouldn't even be mentioned. This game has style, like doing wall flips, slides, slow motion, and other cool effects to make you look like a badass.
  5. AintSkeered

    Game Request | Double Action: Boogaloo

    It's basically a Michael Bay FPS game It would be awesome if Team9000 would support it in Launch. Think about it, Game + Michael Bay = Supreme Awesomeness
  6. AintSkeered

    Describe the person above you in 2 words

    Obvious Ditto
  7. AintSkeered

    Garry's Mod Feature Request | Hide and Seek

    You sir, are also well respected. Sandox peasants need to leave.
  8. AintSkeered

    Garry's Mod Feature Request | Hide and Seek

    This gamemode shouldn't be too resource hungry so I think it should work out fine.
  9. AintSkeered

    Account Bugged Out

    So I launched a server, and it never started or glitched out. So now if I go to launch I can't shutdown or launch a new one because for some reason it thinks it's still booting when it's been like 2 hours.
  10. AintSkeered

    Change map from Launcher?

    gm_construct - comes with server mu_abandoned - mu_powerhermit - ttt_minecraftcity_v4...
  11. AintSkeered

    Change map from Launcher?

    I can't join my gmod server becasue the map is cs_office and I don't have that map or CS:S. Maybe a setting in the server panel to switch maps from there instead of going into the game and doing !rtv.
  12. AintSkeered

    New Feature Request: Changeable Maps

    I think it would be a great idea when you launch a server, when you select your game and gamemode, there should be a selection for maps. There could be 3-4 maps, more than just one. I was thinking of this because the GMod servers need the CS:S maps and textures (I got the textures for elevator...