Recent content by Dr_LASR

  1. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    Excited to see how well lucian performs with his changes. Gonna be playing a lot of him tonight if someone wants to duo
  2. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    Does anyone want to duo right now with mumble?
  3. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    Does anyone main support? Looking from someone to duo climb to silver with.
  4. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    I've heard that last hitting is actually easier on the new summoners rift.
  5. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    Using your e to last hit the minions that you just barely didnt hit is helpful. Use your q to farm as well. For clearing waves quickly, e -> q is rather fast, especially if youre ahead.
  6. Dr_LASR

    The LGBT Thread

    So yesterday I was discriminated against for the first time in my life for my sexuality. Atleast that I know of. I was all set to go to summerfest for the weekend, and I was planning on staying the night at my best friends house for a night or two. However, his dad finds out that I am bi-sexual...
  7. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    Id suggest looking up some guides on proper builds for champs you want to play.
  8. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    I'm gonna try going nash, rab, hurricane, then lich. See how it goes. Will really help for pumping out the e and wave clears.
  9. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    How effective would it be on kayle as a 4th item? I build nashors, rab, then lich. I go e,q,w, max q, then e, then w. I seem to really dominate in lane.
  10. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    I also vote for 9000 shades of grey.
  11. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    Ahh. I'm usually pretty available, so I'd prefer main.
  12. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    This is exactly what we needed. IGN - Downed Foes Desired role - ADC Main or Substitute - Mid Suggested team name - Team9000 / 9K Gaming
  13. Dr_LASR


    I know my username and password for my 07 account, but not the email. Does anyone know how I could recover my account? EDIT: Jagex sorted it all out for me :) But I'm wishing to play on 07, however I require members. I have a couple mill I believe on my account. If someone could buy me one...
  14. Dr_LASR

    League of Legends Thread

    So basically, play it safe and just farm the entire laning phase? I can get really good farm with kayle. I usually buy a Mercurial Scimitar, or a Zhonya's hourglass as kayle. Would Banshee's veil be smarter?