League of Legends Thread

IGN: Kris19642
Desired Role: Top/Jungle
Substitute/Main, I'm fine with whatever's needed.

Team9000. Abreviation: T9K
I'll play only if you can't find other players for the team.
IGN: Io Reign
Substitute, Main if you can't find enough players to fill roles.
Desired Role: Not ADC
This is exactly what we needed.

IGN - Downed Foes
Desired role - ADC
Main or Substitute - Mid
Suggested team name - Team9000 / 9K Gaming
This is exactly what we needed.

IGN - Downed Foes
Desired role - ADC
Main or Substitute - Mid
Suggested team name - Team9000 / 9K Gaming

When I say Main or Substitute, I mean whether you're going to be a substitute for the team, or act as one of its main players.
- Pyrofiredelta
- Jungle/Top
- Main
- League9000

Every time I've tried to make a team it's failed, hopefully you can pull it off.
Since I obviously can't keep track of current members using the conversation, I'll just use the thread.

Interested Participants [IGN]
Kris19642 [" "] - Top/Jungle, Main or Sub
Io_Reign [" "] - ADC, Sub
Dr_LASR [" "] - ADC, Main
karmahurts [MannerlyHIghbrow] - Support, Main
Pyrofiredelta [" "] - Top/Jungle, Main
Stratadon [" "] - Mid/Top, Main
amaterasu [jigadirasu] - Mid/ADC, Sub

Suggested Team Names
9k Gaming
9000 Shades of Grey (wut) - II
9000 Leagues Under the Sea
Tyrannosaurus Rekt 9000

EDIT: Also probably going to hold votes here as well, since I can't keep track of it on the convo as well (which sucks).
I'll be accepting interested participants until Friday of this week. Afterwards, anything related to the ranked team will be moved to the convo and there we will decide on the team leader, name, and arrangement.
Irelia Jungle is best Jungle

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Screenshot delay keeps capturing after the Pentakill text goes away :(
Cait doesn't need it, Teemos build it if they are ahead and want to be a dick, and I think Kayle is the only one that can really use it. Dunno what Ashe is doing.

How effective would it be on kayle as a 4th item? I build nashors, rab, then lich. I go e,q,w, max q, then e, then w. I seem to really dominate in lane.
How effective would it be on kayle as a 4th item? I build nashors, rab, then lich. I go e,q,w, max q, then e, then w. I seem to really dominate in lane.
There is a build for Kayle that focuses on attack speed that is fairly effective. One of the items of that build is Hurricane, of which hurricane is the build's namesake. So, I would say it is fairly effective in lane depending on if you want to go more AS heavy.
I'm gonna try going nash, rab, hurricane, then lich. See how it goes. Will really help for pumping out the e and wave clears.