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  1. theitanimuLLi

    hello guys, i have a proposition ( CarpathianGarden)

    i am not at all offended, it was just a subject that in my opinion was worth a thought. i'll just try to keep my build in cool world or something, just to avoid situations that can stress or harm my interior harmony :P tnx for bothering giving it a thought:)
  2. theitanimuLLi

    hello guys, i have a proposition ( CarpathianGarden)

    for example i had my floor griefed...and my fences....randomly...:). u tell me, was there intention?:P:))
  3. theitanimuLLi

    hello guys, i have a proposition ( CarpathianGarden)

    well i agree that a lot of ppl would be banned using a strict theory of 2...3..4 blocks of grief. still, I think that 10 blocks should be enough. i guess you can go through every obstacle removing/adding at most 10 blocks. it might be my frustration due to the griefing that i was victim of.
  4. theitanimuLLi

    hello guys, i have a proposition ( CarpathianGarden)

    can u keep me up to date with the conclusion that the mods/admins reach?:D that would make me owe u one:P
  5. theitanimuLLi

    hello guys, i have a proposition ( CarpathianGarden)

    Hi guys, I finished yesterday a construction on guest 560 ..its some kind of a bar with water surrounding it...its pretty cool. So to get straight to the point....i got griefed...a pretty big grief...buuuut here comes the problem: there were more players that griefed the building by adding and...
  6. theitanimuLLi


    well in my first post i have a pyramid built inside of a glass pyramid...with plenty of chambers...... in the same post we have a stadium with all of its accessories: score board, benches, locker rooms...etc the last pics represent a starwars destroyer built with my friend Picuic //////// my...
  7. theitanimuLLi


    i shall...:)
  8. theitanimuLLi


    the destroyer was co-built with Picuic and it was in guest 552 the stadium was built entirely by myself and it was in guest 554 the pyramid also built by myself ...and it is in Cool 107
  9. theitanimuLLi


  10. theitanimuLLi


    those were hats, on top of trees:) i didn't complain of you being superior, you complained about me being sarcastic:), think about it, stop being a grown-up-child acting like a spoiled kid, with high ranked friends:) ... advice: don't get to superior on others while playing minecraft, show your...
  11. theitanimuLLi


    having high-ranked friends on the server seems to really count, too bad, yesterday promoted, today banned:) anyway, if you guys feel like unbanning me, please do....if not ...don't. This ban was probably as a result of being sarcastic with seems he was too crybaby and complained...
  12. theitanimuLLi

    Unban Request

    come on, he didn't grief anyone, he thought that if we're friends, doesn't count. he did it bcoz of an argue we had...we play almost all the time, we play this game for 3 days now....only on this server....many hours, we don't make trouble. Please Unban him, i promis in my name and his that it...
  13. theitanimuLLi

    Unban Request

    true story, please unban him. :)
  14. theitanimuLLi

    Unban Request

    true story, wrong section..i think this was supposed to be in the "classic: section of the forum. Please unban the poor friend of mine.
  15. theitanimuLLi

    theitanimuLLi - Guest -> Cool

    i must add that...i would've made some screenshots to the outside look of the house...but it is impossible as it is built underground, at the lowest has 6 rooms and has ground floor + 2 stories.