Search results

  1. BenTheWis

    Team9000 Stream Revival

    Greetings folks! If you didn't already know, the Team9000 community is going to throw it's hat back into the ring of streaming. What? Team9000 used to be a streaming community? Well, I wasn't there to experience those golden times, but let me tell you a tale of what others have told me, and how...
  2. BenTheWis

    It's my birthday

    Well, I suppose it's my birthday today. Have fun and celebrate the day I was born, if you want.
  3. BenTheWis

    Steven Universe Thread

    So have any of you seen this show? It's pretty great, mostly because of the background music and the art style, but the story and lore is pretty fascinating too. So, here's a thread dedicated to all images, videos, and discussion about this pretty alright show.
  4. BenTheWis

    New New youtube channel!

    Hey! Did you ever want to see 2 T9Kers and 1 sort of T9Ker do some voice overs of them playing games not unlike game grumps? Well I've got the youtube channel for you! Started on September 10th 2013 BenTheWis, Vesh, and I dunno some other gamer created the account Boredom Beasts! This channel...
  5. BenTheWis

    Birthday Thread!

    In this thread, you shall post the date of your birthdays. You may keep to yourself the year of your birth, it's your choice. This thread may also count as a thread for one said team9000-er shall give another team9000-er a gift if they choose to do so for the momentous occasion. If you post your...
  6. BenTheWis

    BenTheWis's New Youtube Channel

    I made a new youtube channel. It's going to be me and some other guy, and it's going to be entirely gaming. I need some tips on this, because I'm kind of going into this blind. Heres a few videos we did so far, and I'll keep you guys posted on other videos we make.
  7. BenTheWis

    BenTheWis Whitelist Application Initiationinator

    1. In-Game Name: BenTheWis 2. I've played T9k survival since the days of pre-hacking (sob). I've always liked survival. All the players are helpful, all the resources are hard earned, and all of the pigs have the porkchops. Plus rollercoasters are waaay more fun. ^^ 3. If you're new to...
  8. BenTheWis

    Funny Real-Life Moments

    This thread is pretty much dedicated to all the moments in the real world that made you giggle, chukle, laugh, and just plain pee yourself. like for example:
  9. BenTheWis

    The Petition to cancel the petition to cancel the wipe

    The stoppers must be stopped! Post your usernames below! (So pretty much people who want the wipe to happen)
  10. BenTheWis

    School ip banned

    Pretty much all of my friends enjoy playing minecraft and would really like to join the team9000 server at school. Could you just un-ip ban my school? Plz?
  11. BenTheWis

    School IP banned

    Hello, this is BenTheWis, and an IP was banned at my school. That is why so many people are banned on it. I mean, lets be honest, some of the kids at my school LIVE to grief, but still, I have a group of kids that reeealy are addicted to minecraft. (me included) so could you unban benthewis's...
  12. BenTheWis

    Start over?

    I was talking with a couple of people online, and they were saying things like "it looks like a tornado went through the server" and "my house is griefed, but nobody griefed it". And i got to thinking, why not just restart the server? Before you just push this aside, just hear me out. This...
  13. BenTheWis


    BenTheWis is making this promotion for me, because i cannot create a screen shot. If it is illegal, please just tell me. This is a little build that BenTheWis helped me on, its simple, but its a start.
  14. BenTheWis


    This is another promotion app, and I know this build isnt promo-worthy, but it's a start. I've taken my ability to make water and my ability to build in cool worlds and put them into one build!
  15. BenTheWis


    It may not look like much, but its something. I posted other threads before this, but this was my first real-deal-pixelart
  16. BenTheWis

    End of stream?

    When i go to go into the survival, it says connection failed, end of stream. I thought the server was down, but when i looked at the map, there were like 50 people on, but the weird thing was that it said that I was on. I know i didnt get hacked, it must just be glitching. Does ANYBODY know how...
  17. BenTheWis

    Map Broken On IE

    When i click on the link in Internet explorer, it doesent work. Could somebody fix that?
  18. BenTheWis

    Not bad swastica

    I made a swastica in the snow, but I had specifically said in the chat that it wasn't a swastica afiliated with hitler, but with good fortune, thats what the swastica really means. (don't believe me? look it up.) I now realize that any swastica, good or bad, is wrong. Thank you.
  19. BenTheWis


    This is my second attempt at becoming cool, by making a log cabin. It took me a long time to flatten out the ground and build this! And look around the applications for my other post too. Thanks!
  20. BenTheWis

